Arc of Revolt in Uranus Cycles — Mundane Astrology

Inspiring Words

Charles Carter said, “if the restoration of public honor to Astrology be his goal, it would seem that this can be attained in no better way than by acquiring the power to foresee correctly the things of national moment”.
The repetition of past patterns indicates what lies ahead.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Arc of Revolt in Uranus Cycles

Sometimes people express frustration that the American people have not yet moved toward open rebellion in the face of the blatant tyranny and corruption they are suffer. A review of the time spans at work during the last three ‘turnings’ can help gauge the current cycle we are in.

When Uranus enters Aries it sparks the process of revolt and change in each cycle. The sparks set off a series of events which creates division that leads to war and results in change in each turning. The arc of a story or a revolt takes time to build into the climax of conflict and a change in the landscape. There are patterns in events that may seem random but become clearer if you adjust the lens.

Each of the four Aries Uranus periods presented had a Jupiter-Uranus cycle form in the first decan of Aries, which strongly exhibited the traits of Aries courage, initiative, and forcefulness. In each of these Aries Uranus cycles, we will find the Jupiter-Uranus cycle aspected the Saturn-Uranus cycle or the Uranus-Neptune cycle by less than a degree amplifying the effect.

As Uranus embarks on initiating these changes, the positions of Neptune and Pluto set the stage for larger issues in play during each Uranus cycle. Comparing the last four Aries Jupiter-Uranus cycles to the Pilgrim chart highlight the themes in the background.1 (More foundational charts)

Uranus in Aries 1759

Uranus entered Aries on May 14, 1759, during the French and Indian War as the colonists aided the British as loyal subjects. Colonists were used to being left alone to operate with a good deal of freedom, rather like a teen left to fend for itself due to neglectful parents. Smuggling, in avoidance of British custom duties was prevalent and considered only sensible. (In-depth)

On March 18, 1760, William Pitt issued a directive of strict enforcement of smuggling laws to bring the colonies under control with Uranus was once again at 00 Aries.2 The dispositor Mars at 14 Virgo was square the Pilgrim North Node at 16 Sagittarius. The Sun at 28 Pisces joined with Uranus to square the Pilgrim Sun. (more on keywords)
Mars at 14 Virgo was square the Uranus-Neptune cycle at 16 Sagittarius. Jupiter of regulation at 16 Aquarius 44 was returning to the Jupiter-Uranus cycle in the Uranus ruled sign of Aquarius at 16 Aquarius 40 to highlight the cycle’s conclusion. The beginning of a cycle and the conclusion have important signals. (working in mundane)

This Uranus change set off an awakening as Britain custom officers (often corrupt) empowered by a writ could ransack and seize anything suspected of being smuggled. The officers, the governor and the crown would each get a third of confiscated goods.3 (In-depth)

On October 25, 1760, the death of the old king was the ascension chart of the new King George III. According to the research of Kraum and Grant, the time was 7:13 am at Kensington.4 Stationary Jupiter at 17 Aquarius made an amplified impression as it again returned to the Jupiter-Uranus cycle of twelve years earlier. Mars at 16 Sagittarius 07 was conjunct Uranus-Neptune 16 Sagittarius 11. (more on stationary planets)

On February 24, 1762, there was a significant celestial event as a Jupiter-Uranus cycle formed at 07 Aries 16, just minutes from the Saturn-Uranus at 07 Aries 42 in May of 1761.The dispositor Mars was in stationary orb at 02 Scorpio to square the Pilgrim Uranus at 01 Leo.
The totalitarian Pluto in cold Capricorn had Neptune expectation in royal Leo of subjugation to government.
On March 6, 1762, only ten days later, legislators passed a bill with specific rules to gain a writ to nullify the broad general writs of assistance that Chief Justice Hutchinson had renewed. The crown appointed governor vetoed the bill and refused to sign it into law (which would have cut off a personal revenue stream). There was no legal recourse after the veto of the bill, the remaining options would be violent.5 
The stationary Mars at 03 Scorpio 02 square the Pilgrim Uranus at 01 Leo 58 was an explosive combination sparking rebellion. The government leader (Sun) at 16 Pisces was square the Pilgrim North Node at 16 Sagittarius as the transiting North Node at 13 Taurus was conjunct the Pilgrim Jupiter and Pluto at 11 Taurus to emphasize the judicial tyranny. The transiting Venus at 10 Pisces to square Pilgrim Ascendant as the transiting North Node opposed Venus indicated financial focus.

On June 1, 1763, came the Act for Encouragement of Officers Making Seizures. The British had essentially deputized the Royal Navy as an extension of customs enforcement to patrol and capture smugglers. A ship seized for paperwork infractions had little chance of recovery as fees and court costs would be more than the value of the vessel. Officers were allowed a portion of the proceeds as a bounty similar to the writs.6 (In-depth)

Mars and Uranus were emphasized as Mars at 16 Gemini opposed the Pilgrim North Node at 16 Sagittarius with Uranus at 16 Aries opposed to the Pilgrim Mars at 16 Libra. Venus and Saturn at 03 Taurus were square Uranus at 01 Leo. The Sun at 10 Gemini opposed the Pilgrim Ascendant at 10 Sagittarius. (More on emphasized planets)
On October 7, 1763, the king issued the Proclamation of 1763 that forbid expansion westward of the colonists’ settlements as an interior boundary.7 The people had been effectively fenced in on the land and the sea. 

The day before there was a Solar eclipse at 13 Libra conjunct the Pilgrim Neptune at 13 Libra with transiting Uranus in opposition at 15 Aries. Jupiter of proclamations was stationary at 16 Gemini in opposition to the Pilgrim North Node at 16 Sagittarius and Mars was square the Pilgrim Ascendant. 
On April 5, 1764, the Sugar Act was to financially benefit Britain and enforce greater control over the colonists in a brazen display of power as Pluto was stationary. The Solar eclipse at 12 Aries 10 was conjunct the Jupiter-Saturn cycle at 12 Aries 21 five days earlier.8 The Sun of government ruler was joined with transiting Uranus to oppose the Pilgrim Mars with transiting Mars at 14 Sagittarius conjunct the Pilgrim North Node. (In-depth)
On July 9, 1764, furious Newport townsfolk fired cannons at the British ship blocking their port and halting their rum distillery businesses.9 The protests moved to gunpowder as stationary Mars changed direction at 03 Sagittarius conjunct the Pilgrim Moon at 02 Sagittarius and the Sun at 17 Cancer square the emphasized Pilgrim Mars at 16 Libra. The British viewed the attack as insolence and responded with even stricter methods to insure submission.

On March 22, 1765, the Stamp Act was signed the day after a Solar eclipse at 01 Aries
. Jupiter was stationary. Mercury (the ruler of paper) and the North Node were at 16 Pisces to square the Pilgrim North Node with Mars at 11 Taurus conjunct the Pilgrim Jupiter and Pluto.10 

The Act meant all paper items such as licenses, wills, deeds and even newspapers would be required to use stamped paper from crown appointed distributors. This unleashed a fierce resistance and the Sons of Liberty used mobs to nullify the Stamp Act until all of the appointed officials of the paper had resigned under the direct threat of Mars with Pluto. A mob would later target Chief Justice Hutchinson’s home and destroy it.

The joined transiting Mercury and North Node square the Pilgrim North Node brought a pronounced challenge to the identity of the people, a crossroad in the polarization of the public intensified. Would they identify as loyal British subjects, or would they identify as Americans and defy the crown?

The Massachusetts Circular went out in February 11, 1768, to the other colonies in resistance to the Townshend Acts. Parliamentary leaders in England were convinced that resurrecting a law from Henry VIII to extradite some of the American agitators such as Samuel Adams to hang for treason would snuff out the rebellion.11 Jupiter was stationary to overreach through law and in opposition to the Midheaven on formation of the Jupiter-Uranus cycle. Mars was at 29 Sagittarius and Uranus at 29 Aries.

On September 29, 1768, British troops arrived to occupy and subdue Boston in order to enforce new taxes with Mars stationary at 10 Taurus conjunct the Pilgrim Jupiter and Pluto as transiting Pluto was also stationary.12 The stationary Mars made a much deeper impression than when was conjunct the same point three and a half years after the Stamp Act. The Sun of government at 07 Libra opposed Jupiter-Uranus at 07 Aries and the Saturn-Uranus at 07 Aries. (In-depth)
The military occupation spread unease, more of the public would be compelled to reassess their views of Britain as the colonists were required to house and feed these troops in their homes at their own expense. Rather than the earlier overt mob action against the British officials there were more actions in stealth such as the burning of John Hancock’s confiscated ship Liberty.

On March 5, 1770, the Boston Massacre brought an abrupt awakening for colonists to find the British soldiers response to taunts and snowballs was bullets. Mars was at 03 Aquarius in opposition to the Pilgrim Uranus at 01 Leo with the Sun at 15 Pisces square the Pilgrim North Node.13 The transiting T-square of Venus, Neptune and the North Node aspected the Pilgrim Ascendant. 

On November 2, 1772, the Committee of Correspondence was formed at a town meeting in Boston to alert other towns and colonies of any moves made by Parliament seen as dangerous which unified the colonies.14 Transiting Mars at 02 Leo was conjunct the Pilgrim Uranus as the Sun opposed the Pilgrim Jupiter and Pluto. 
The passage of the Coercive Acts in 1774 prompted Boston to end trade with Britain. The other colonies wished to meet to consider an agreement to end all trade with Britain that became the first Continental Congress in the fall which further united the colonies.15 

While some delegates to the Congress refuted the idea that Parliament should have any power over them others wanted an American Parliament as a subsidiary to Great Britain. Those who could see where things were headed stocked up on weapons and gunpowder.

On April 19, 1775, colonists at Lexington fired upon British soldiers coming to destroy an arsenal of rebel weapons and to capture John Hancock and Samuel Adams.16 Uranus was at 00 Gemini. In the sixteen years from the Uranus Aries ingress the relationship with Britain had gone from heartfelt to seething contempt with a long list of grievances. Both Mars and Pluto were stationary as they had been on the Boston occupation with Mars conjunct the recent Lunar eclipse. Weeks later there would be a new Jupiter-Uranus cycle at 03 Gemini. (In-depth)

There were twenty-two years from the Aries entry of Uranus to the Yorktown defeat on a Solar eclipse at 24 Libra of the British global power in 1781. Uranus at 02 Cancer was square the Declaration Midheaven and the eclipse square the Declaration Mercury at 24 Cancer.17

There were thirty years from Uranus in Aries to the Federal government established on March 4, 1789, with Uranus at 01 Leo.18 Uranus had been at 01 Leo on the Pilgrim landing as well.19 Uranus in Aries stirs the common people, in Leo, the power. There was a deepening political divide as to where the power should reside; at the Federal level (Federalist) favoring Britain or with the common people (Democratic-Republican) toward France.

During the Constitution Convention, Alexander Hamilton argued for creating a political hierarchy close to the British model. Hamilton believed the masses “seldom judge or determine right” and advocated for the rich well-born to have enlarged powers of central government as “a distinct permanent share in the government,” the plan wasn’t chosen.20

Hamilton later submitted a plan for a central bank fashioned after the Bank of England charter which was adopted in 1791.21 Thomas Jefferson believed it could create a monopoly that would favor financiers and merchants as creditors whereas plantations and farmers were often debtors. The Mazzei letter revealed Jefferson saw the Federalists as a “monarchical, and aristocratical party”.22

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 had specified no slavery north of Ohio River setting up the division of North and South on the next Uranus cycle as well as the issue of power residing at the federal level or with the people.

Uranus in Aries 1843

Uranus entered Aries on April 20, 1843, and within weeks on May 8, 1843, SOS Webster resigned over Texas policies with Uranus at 00 Aries and Mars stationary.23 (In-depth)

On February 8, 1845, the first new Aries cycle since the Uranus ingress was Jupiter-Uranus at 03 Aries to square the Uranus-Neptune cycle at 03 Capricorn of land. The cycle dispositor Mars, was conjunct the Pilgrim Ascendant as the new cycle opposed the Midheaven in square with the Pilgrim Saturn at 03 Cancer. (In-depth)
Compulsive Pluto in aggressive Aries had Neptune visions of Aquarian exploration in the expansion of the country.

On March 01, 1845, within three weeks of the Jupiter-Uranus cycle, the resolution to annex Texas was signed. The Sun at 11 Pisces was square the Pilgrim Ascendant at 10 Sagittarius with Chiron at 15 Virgo square the Pilgrim North Node at 16 Sagittarius.

The Jupiter-Uranus cycle in 1762 had also been in the first decan of Aries to aspect a Uranus involved cycle. A few weeks later the writs were approved, which John Adams saw as a catalyst to revolution. Mexico severed relations and US troops were sent to defend Texas against possible invasion on the disputed border.

On April 25, 1846, the Mexican War began on the day of a Solar eclipse at 05 Taurus as the dispositor Venus came out of shadow to the degree and near the minute of the stationary retrograde two months before.24 Mars at 19 Gemini was in opposition to the Pilgrim North Node with Solar eclipse square the Pilgrim Uranus. The land expansion with the annexation of Texas would lead to the Civil War over the balance of free and slave states. (In-depth)
On November 22, 1847, Mexico asked for peace talks with Mars at 01 Taurus in square to the Pilgrim Uranus at 01 Leo and transiting Uranus in opposition to the Pilgrim Mars. (In-depth)
On March 10, 1848, the peace treaty with Mexico was ratified only five days after a Solar eclipse at 15 Pisces with transiting Saturn at 16 Pisces square the Pilgrim North Node at 16 Sagittarius.25 The transiting Mars at 08 Gemini opposed the Pilgrim Ascendant as transiting Uranus at 16 Aries opposed the Pilgrim Mars at 16 Libra.
On December 4, 1849, in his first State of the Union message to Congress, President Taylor endorsed for New Mexico and California to form state constitutions as free states which set off a fire storm among southern politicians.26 Taylor had objected to the proposed Compromise of 1850 which strengthened laws for slave holders to recapture slaves but allowed California to be admitted as a free state. The president would suddenly die only two weeks after the formation of Uranus-Pluto at 29 Aries on July 9, 1850.27 (In-depth)

On September 18, 1850, the Compromise of 1850 would be signed months later by a more agreeable president with Pluto and Uranus at 29 Aries in square to Pilgrim Uranus and transiting Mars at 17 Libra conjunct Pilgrim Mars at 16 Libra to prevent disunion.28 
On June 16, 1858, tension had escalated as Lincoln gave his ‘House Divided’ speech with Uranus at 00 Gemini.29 The speech made it plain that slavery would be eliminated, or it would eventually become lawful in all states.

On February 4, 1861, the Confederacy was formed with Uranus at 08 Gemini, the Declaration also had Uranus at 08 Gemini.30 Britain built ships for the south while claiming neutrality.

On April 9, 1865, General Lee surrendered and considered the end of the Civil War with a Lunar eclipse two days later at 21 Libra.31

On April 26, 1865, General Johnston surrendered the largest Confederate army the day after a Solar eclipse at 05 Taurus.32 There were again 22 years from the Aries entry to the surrender of the Civil War. Also on April 26, 1865, John Wilkes Booth was killed following his assassination of President Lincoln.

The Coinage Act of 1873 was 30 years from Uranus in Aries and changed the country from the bimetallism of Hamilton to the gold standard with Uranus at 02 Leo.33 The Panics of 1873, 1893 and 1907 led to the establishment of the Federal Reserve setting the stage for financial collapse in the next Uranus cycle.34

Uranus in Aries 1927

Uranus entered Aries on March 31, 1927. Days later, on April 6, 1927, the French Foreign Minister proposed the US and France agree to outlaw war on the 10 year anniversary of the US entry into WWI which fifteen countries would later sign onto with the Kellogg-Briand Pact.35  (In-depth)

On July 15, 1927, the Jupiter-Uranus cycle formed in the first decan at 03 Aries with both planets in stationary retrograde, maximizing their impact in a different direction. The new cycle formed a T-square of cycles with Uranus-Neptune at 03 Capricorn and Saturn-Pluto at 02 Cancer with the cycle dispositor Mars joined with dissolving Neptune on the ninth house cusp.
The extreme chasm in society of the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’ was visible with Pluto in Cancer and Neptune loss in financial speculation.

On March 3, 1928, the Great Bull Market began. Mercury was stationary at 27 Aquarius in opposition to the transiting Neptune of illusion at 27 Leo in square to the New York Stock Exchange Sun at 27 Taurus.36 
The stationary direct Mercury at 27 Aquarius with Mars at 03 Aquarius 22 was strikingly similar to the Boston Massacre which also had stationary direct Mercury at 28 Aquarius with Mars at 03 Aquarius.

On October 24, 1929, the stock market panic had the Sun at 00 Scorpio to square the Pilgrim Uranus at 01 Leo. Transiting Mars at 12 Scorpio, North Node at 12 Taurus, and Chiron at 12 Taurus would aspect the Pilgrim Jupiter and Pluto and square when the bull market began with Venus at 12 Aquarius. Days later there was a Solar eclipse at 08 Scorpio to oppose where Venus became stationary retrograde in 1929 at 08 Taurus. The depression would lead to banks collapsing. 
On September 21, 1931, Britain dropped the gold standard and Americans held their gold as Saturn turned stationary direct that day.37 Transiting Mars at 02 Scorpio was in square to pilgrim Uranus at 01 Leo as Uranus opposed Pilgrim Mars. Five days later there would be a Lunar eclipse at 02 Aries as tensions with Britain increased. 
On March 7, 1932, the Ford Massacre proved that the pressures of the Great Depression had moved some people toward the Neptune of communism.38 That day was a Solar eclipse at 16 Pisces square the Pilgrim North Node. Mars at 09 Pisces was square the Ascendant as transiting Uranus opposed Mars and transiting Saturn opposed the Pilgrim Uranus. 
On April 7, 1932, Franklin Roosevelt gave his ‘Forgotten Man’ campaign speech to a despondent public.39 The Jupiter-Uranus cycle that had formed at 03 Aries 24 in 1927 with both planets in stationary retrograde orb would have a near perfect conjunction from Mars at 03 Aries 26 as Pluto power and positive Jupiter were simultaneously stationary. The public was energized by his optimism and hopeful for a radical change in government.

On March 4, 1933, President Roosevelt was sworn into office as Mars was at 09 Virgo joined with Neptune at 08 Virgo to square the Pilgrim Ascendant at 10 Sagittarius and begin his New Deal of government programs, regulations and reforms.40 He called for a special session of Congress to address the banking crises. Banks, the NYSE and the New York Federal Reserve were closed to prevent withdrawal of its gold reserves out of the country. Weeks later FDR would nationalize private ownership of gold.  (In-depth)

On January 30, 1934, there was a Lunar eclipse at 10 Leo. FDR signed the Gold Reserve Act which transferred ownership of all monetary gold to the Treasury and created the secretive Exchange Stabilization Fund with the profits by revaluing the gold.41

On July 18, 1939, the draft of a letter to FDR by Leo Szilard and Albert Einstein would begin that would eventually result in the Manhattan Project and the development of atomic weapons.42 

A powerful transiting T-square of destruction had Mars at 00 Aquarius, Saturn at 00 Taurus and Pluto at 00 Leo conjunct the Pilgrim Uranus. FDR declared neutrality that allowed the sale of arms to Britain and France as the US expanded its Navy and implemented the first peacetime draft. 
On August 9, 1941, only two days after Uranus had entered Gemini, President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill had a secret meeting for the Atlantic Charter. They announced an eight-point agreement of war plans and post-war plans for peace that reflected the internationalist thinking later used in the United Nations charter.43

On September 4, 1941, the Greer incident would be used toward entering WWII with a Lunar eclipse the next day at 12 Pisces. Uranus was stationary at 00 Gemini with both Mars and Saturn stationary.44

A week after the clash, President Roosevelt devoted a fireside chat on September 11, 1941, and set a ‘shoot on sight’ policy on German or Italian vessels. That day was also the groundbreaking for the Pentagon with Mars, Uranus and Saturn still in stationary orb.45

There were again 22 years from the Aries entry to 1949 when several important events unfolded. On June 20, 1949, a law made the CIA exempt from disclosures.46 Then the NSA Amendments of 1949 was signed on August 10, 1949, which “established the CIA, the NSC, and the foundations of the Department of Defense – the Underpinnings of the Modern National Security State”.47 The NATO treaty was signed on August 24, 1949, to provide western Europe with collective security.48

Uranus was at 01 Leo when the US made its first U2 reconnaissance flight over Moscow through the CIA on July 4, 1956.

The surveillance state would be strengthened by the Executive Order 12333 signed on December 4, 1981, by President Reagan with Uranus at 01 Sagittarius.49 EO 12333 required other agencies to fully cooperate with CIA requests for information.

On October 26, 2001, the Patriot Act further enhanced the power of the Department of Justice and the FBI.50 Mars was in opposition to the Pilgrim Uranus and the Sun at 03 Scorpio in square with Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune in stationary orb.

Mercury turned stationary only minutes from its position on 9/11 and was a stationary thirty-three-year return to the Gun Control Act of 1968. Jupiter was a stationary return to 1835 which also coincided to an attempt by Mexico to disarm Texas settlers that set off a revolt.51 
On November 25, 2002, at 1:46 pm the Department of Homeland Security was established in the largest reorganization of military and government intelligence since the National Security Act.52 

The Congressional Budget Office estimated the budget increases nearly tripled by 2005 compared to before 9/11. Heavy military spending benefited those in defense with both Venus and Jupiter stationary. The identity theme of ‘us versus them’ was pronounced as the transiting North Node at 08 Gemini and Mercury at 09 Sagittarius aspected the Pilgrim Ascendant.

A fourth pillar of government was established without the supposed checks and balances of the executive, legislative or judicial. The ever growing ‘security state’ would be center stage in the next Uranus cycle.

Uranus in Aries 2010

Uranus entered Aries on May 27, 2010 with news of the arrest of Bradley Manning for information given to Wikileaks. The Pentagon had already listed Wikileaks a threat to US security but Assange claimed in an interview that he believed the leaked documents were evidence of war crimes in Afghanistan.53  (In-depth)

On June 8, 2010, a new Jupiter-Uranus at 00 Aries 18 formed square the Saturn-Uranus cycle at 29 Sagittarius 55 of publishing. Military Mars at 00 Virgo, the dispositor, opposed the Pilgrim Chiron at 01 Pisces as returning Chiron of vulnerability was at 00 Pisces square the Pilgrim Moon of the public at 02 Sagittarius. (pilgrim-jup-urn2010 and 2010)

The transformative power of Pluto in harsh Capricorn once again with Neptune of surveillance through electronic technology to unleash a police state.
On October 22, 2010, Wikileaks published the Iraq war logs in largest classified military leak in history.54 The Sun at 29 Libra was square the Pilgrim Uranus. Venus was stationary retrograde at 13 Scorpio on October 8, 2010, conjunct the Pilgrim Venus at 13 Scorpio in a repeat of 1759. When Uranus entered Aries in the spring of 1759, Venus was stationary retrograde at 13 Scorpio on October 8, 1759, as financial control of America became the focal point.

On November 28, 2010, Wikileaks published what would be called Cablegate. PayPal, Visa and MasterCard halted Wikileaks donations, PayPal would claim government pressure.55 The diplomacy and financial power of Venus was exposed and sent out shockwaves.
On September 9, 2011, President Obama issued Executive Order 13584 to counter violent extremists and terrorism.56 The Executive Order established within the State Department a Steering Committee of representatives from DOD, DOJ, DHS, Treasury, NCTC, joint Chiefs of Staffs, CIA, and the Broadcast Board of Governors in partnership with social media.

Jupiter and Pluto stationary would unleash the full force of government. Jupiter at 10 Taurus was a return to the Pilgrim Jupiter and Pluto at 11 Taurus as Saturn was conjunct Pilgrim Mars. A war on information and communication with Chiron returning and Mercury in opposition.(More on Chiron)
On February 27, 2012 Wikileaks exposed the Stratfor emails which provided private intelligence services to DHS, government agencies and corporations.57 The emails suggested that the US government may have been involved with Mexican drug cartels shipping routes into the country and more.58

Saturn was at 29 Libra to square the Pilgrim Uranus with Mars at 15 Virgo square the Pilgrim North Node at 16 Sagittarius. The Sun at 08 Pisces was square the transiting North Node at 09 Sagittarius conjunct the Pilgrim Ascendant.
President Obama signed the NDAA in January 2, 2013 with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act. The original law prohibited the State Department from directing propaganda towards Americans. The ‘Modernization’ would enable the State Department and or the Broadcasting Board of Governors to legally propagandize the public through major media outlets and the tech giants.59

On June 6, 2013, Snowden would reveal how massive the surveillance of Americans had become as the power of the intelligence branch had grown unabated.60 The stationary Neptune of surveillance at 05 Pisces and transiting Mars at 04 Gemini were in square to aspect the Pilgrim Moon of the people at 02 Sagittarius that discovered they had been secretly violated. The Sun at 16 Gemini opposed the Pilgrim North Node as Uranus shocked at 11 Aries in opposition to the Pilgrim surveillance Neptune.

On January 7, 2016, the NSA Inspector General released a report that showed there were FISA abuses routinely taking place in regard to the Reagan EO 12333 the NSA was still using.61 Mercury of information was stationary retrograde at 00 Aquarius in square with the transiting Mars at 02 Scorpio to aspect the Pilgrim Uranus of rebellion at 01 Leo. (In-depth)
On April 18, 2016, NSA Director Mike Rogers cut off all outside contractor access to FISA information, specifically outside contractors working for the FBI.62 Stationary Mars was conjunct the Pilgrim Ascendant as the Sun at 29 Aries was square the Pilgrim Uranus at 01 Leo. Controlling Saturn was at 16 Sagittarius to conjunct the Pilgrim North Node. The day before, both Mars and Pluto turned stationary retrograde together, both were stationary when troops arrived in Boston, when the British rejected the Oregon offer setting off war drums, and for Lexington.
On November 17, 2016, NSA Director Mike Rogers met with President-Elect Trump and transition team in Trump Tower and the same day the Trump team relocates with Mars opposing the Pilgrim Uranus.

On March 9, 2022, Biden signed EO 14067 to fast track CBDC as an issue of ‘national security’ involving DHS, SOS and DNI in a move that escalated the drive to completely control the American public through their money.63 

Transiting Mars at 02 Aquarius was joined with financial Venus at 03 Aquarius to oppose the Pilgrim Uranus at 01 Leo as the transiting Uranus at 11 Taurus was conjunct the Pilgrim Jupiter and Pluto.

On April 18, 2022, former intelligence officials sent a letter to Congress to stop any breakup of big tech as the social media partnership with government was a national security imperative to control public opinion.64 The Sun of government at 28 Aries was square the Pilgrim Uranus at 01 Leo with Mars at 02 Pisces conjunct Chiron and square the Pilgrim Moon of the public at 02 Sagittarius.
The general search warrants, censorship and social controls were a repeat of the king’s iron fisted actions in the colonial period. 

The Federal government that eventually formed following the Declaration of Independence to fight against British tyranny had come full circle to become the abuser.

The legislative branch through the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence created an unaccountable intelligence branch as a fourth branch of government with the executive branch of the FBI, DOJ and NSA in charge and the judicial branch granting approval of the intelligence branch with the secret FISA court.

On July 13, 2024, at 6:15 pm President Trump was shot at a campaign rally. The diminished faith in government had produced an environment where it became more plausible that government agencies were involved. Some considered it a declaration of war by the deep state within the Federal government.65 
Transiting Mars and Uranus of shocking violence were joined in opposition to the Federal Ascendant at 27 Scorpio and square the Federal Mars at 28 Aquarius depicted the outbreak of war.

Transiting financial Venus (there are trillions at stake) at 02 Leo and Pluto of death at 01 Aquarius, both aspected the Federal Uranus at 01 Leo as transiting Mercury opposed the Federal Pluto.

Within days of the assassination attempt it came out that some had shorted DJT stocks to the tune of 12 million. Had the assassination been successful the firm could have gained considerable profits which gave the appearance of foreknowledge. The firm claimed it was an ‘error’.66 Disruptive Uranus and Pluto power were both emphasized.

The 2024 election day will have Mars at 00 Leo to conjunct the Uranus at 01 Leo of both the Pilgrim chart and the Federal chart. An explosive aspect at a time of deep polarization. Mercury of information will be in shadow following the election. Mercury in shadow can present delays, confusion or misdirection.
Mercury will become retrograde at 06 Sagittarius two days before the electors vote on December 17, 2024. Mercury had changed direction on the day of the 2020 election. Mars will also be retrograde in December of 2024 so that when January 6, 2025, arrives Mars of war will be conjunct Uranus of the Pilgrim and Federal charts. 

Uranus will enter Gemini early July 2025, the previous 'turnings' heralded war with events that crystalized the unavoidable.

To learn more.


1. Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, 350; Ralph Kraum and Ernest A. Grant, Astrological Americana (Tempe, AZ: American Federation of Astrologers, 1949), 15. December 21, 1620 (NS) Plymouth, MA at 6:00 am.

2. Eric Foner and John A. Garraty, eds. The Reader’s Companion to American History, 31; G. S. Kimball, Correspondence of William Pitt (New York: Macmillan, 1906), 320-321.

3. Maurice Henry Smith, The Writs of Assistance Case (Berkley: University of California Press, 1978), 133-175.

4. Ralph Kraum and Ernest A. Grant, Astrological Americana, 19; London Chronicle, October 25, 1760, 8. Gave short same day reporting with the time of death as after 7:00 am.

5. Andrew Stephen Walmsley, Thomas Hutchinson and the Origins of Revolution (New York: New York University Press, 1999) 45; Josiah Quincy Jr., Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Superior Court (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1865), 414. 56. Joseph R. Frese, James Otis and Writs of Assistance, The New England Quarterly 30, no. 4 (1957): 500.

6. Edward Channing, A History of the United States: Volume III American Revolution 1761 – 1789 (New York: Macmillan Company, 1912), 39; James Munro and Almeric W. Fitzroy eds., Acts of the Privy Council of England Colonial Series Vol. IV 1745-1766 (London: Wyman and Sons, 1911), 560.

7. Claude H. Van Tyne, The Causes of the War of Independence (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1922) 124; William MacDonald, Select Charters and Other Documents of American History 1606-1775 (New York: Macmillan Company, 1899), 267.

8. 61. Peter Force, The National Calendar and Annals of the United States Volume 10 (Washington: Thompson & Homans, 1832), 15.

9. Brian M. Stinson, Newport Firsts: A Hundred Claims to Fame (Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2018), 24; William P. Sheffield, Historical Address of the City of Newport: Delivered July 4, 1876 (Newport: John P. Sanborn & Company, 1876), 30-32.

10. Joseph Ernst, Money and Politics in America 1757-1775 (Chapel Hill: University North Carolina Press, 1973), 85; William Macdonald, Select Charters and Other Documents of American History 1606-1775, 281.

11. Edmund Morgan, The Birth of the Republic 1763-89, 3rd edition, 48.

12. John Stetson Barry, The History of Massachusetts, Volume 2 (Boston: Phillips, Sampson, and Company, 1856), 370; Richard Archer, As if an Enemy’s Country (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010), xiv-xvi.

13. Ralph Kraum and Ernest A. Grant, Astrological Americana, 22.

14. Edmund Morgan, The Birth of the Republic 1763-89, 3rd edition, 56.

15. Edmund Morgan, The Birth of the Republic 1763-89, 3rd edition, 60, 194. Boston Port Act on March 31, 1774, Massachusetts Government Act on May 20, 1774, Administration of Justice Act on May 20, 1774, Quartering Act June 2, 1774, Quebec Act June 22, 1774, First Continental Congress on September 5 – October 27, 1774.

16. Edmund Morgan, The Birth of the Republic 1763-89, 3rd edition, 67-69; Ralph Kraum and Ernest A. Grant, Astrological Americana, 24. Lexington, April 19, 1775, 04:47 LMT Lexington, MA 42N27, 71W14; John Ferling, Almost A Miracle, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007), 29.

17. David McCullough, John Adams, (New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2008), 76-77.

18. Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, 371-372.

19. Ralph Kraum and Ernest A. Grant, Astrological Americana, 15.

20. Sean Wilentz, The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln, (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2005), 32.

21. Andrew Hill, The First Bank of the United States, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia,

22. Sean Wilentz, The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln, 73.

23. George Ticknor Curtis, Life of Daniel Webster Volume II, (New York: D. Appleton and the annexation of Company, 1870), 211.

24. Hunter Miller ed., Treaties and other International Acts of the United States of America Volume 5, 69; Matt Matthews, U.S. Army on the Mexican Border, (Fort Leavenworth, KS: Combat Studies Institute Press, 2007), 20; American Republican Baltimore, May 11, 1846, 1; The Guard, Holly Springs, MS, May 15, 1846, 1. Accounts cited Thornton Affair at 8 o’clock in the morning.

25. Charles Van Doren, Webster’s Guide to American History, 189.

26. Charles Van Doren, Webster’s Guide to American History, 193.

27. The Southern Press (DC), July 10, 1850, 2; The Daily (DC) Union, July 10, 1850, 3. Stated time of death as 10:35 pm.

28. Charles Van Doren, Webster’s Guide to American History, 198.

29. Charles Van Doren, Webster’s Guide to American History, 216

30. Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, 374.

31. Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, 375.

32. Charles Van Doren, Webster’s Guide to American History, 247; Blake Stilwell, How Disobeyed Orders Led to the Largest Confederate Surrender of the Civil War, American Military History, February 22, 2022,

33. Charles Van Doren, Webster’s Guide to American History, 267.

34. Gary Richardson, Banking Panics of the Gilded Age, Federal Reserve History,

35. James M. Lindsay, “TWE Remembers: The Kellogg-Briand Pact,” Council on Foreign Relations, August 27, 2011,

36. John T. Morello, “The Great Bull Market of 1928,” Central States Speech Journal 31, no. 2 (1980): 95; NYSE Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, 423. May 17, 1792 New York, NY 12:00 pm unknown time.

37. “English Quit Gold Standard,” Bismarck (ND) Tribune, September 21, 1931, 1.

38. New York Times, March 8, 1932, 1; Fraser M. Ottanelli, The Communist Party of the United States: From the Depression to World War II, (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1991), 33-34.

39. Franklin D. Roosevelt, The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt Volume One, (New York: Random House, 1938), 624-627.

40. Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia, PA, March 5, 1933, 1; Washington Evening Star, March 4, 1933, 7. Cited 1:06 pm.

41. Anna J. Schwartz, “From Obscurity to Notoriety: A Biography of the Exchange Stabilization Fund,” Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 29, no. 2 (1997): 135-152; The Times-News, (Hendersonville, NC) January 31, 1934, 1. Stated act was signed at 3:50 pm by United Press correspondent C. C. Nicolet.

42. Margaret Wood, Einstein’s Fateful Letter, Library of Congress, August 13, 2020,

43. “Roosevelt, Churchill Reveal Peace Aim; Great Britain Bans All Exports to Japan,” Washington Evening Star, August 14, 1941, 1-2; Paul Boyer editor, The Oxford Companion to United States History, 54.

44. Charles Van Doren and Robert McHenry, Webster’s Guide to American History, 482.

45. Douglas M. Norton, “The Open Secret: The U.S. Navy in the Battle of the Atlantic April-December 1941,” Naval War College Review 26, no. 4 (1974): 73-81.

46. National Security Archive, “The Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, 20 June 1949,”

47. National Security Archive, “The National Security Act Turns 75,”

48. NATO Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, 431.

49. David S. Eggert, “Executive Order 12,333: An Assessment of the Validity of Warrantless National Security Searches,” Duke Law Journal 1983, no. 3 (1983): 611-644.

50. Administration of George W. Bush 2001, “Remarks on Signing the USA PATRIOT ACT of 2001 October 26, 2001,”

51. Franklin E. Zimring, “Firearms and Federal Law: The Gun Control Act of 1968,” The Journal of Legal Studies 4, no. 1 (1975): 148; Paul Boyer editor, The Oxford Companion to United States History, 775.

52. The White House, “President Bush Signs the Homeland Security Act,” November 25, 2002,

53. Chelsea J. Carter, “Bradley Manning: Whistle-blower or traitor? He awaits judge’s verdict,” CNN, July 29, 2013, ; CBS News, “WikiLeaks: Evidence of War Crimes in Afghan,”

54. Wikileaks, “The Iraq War Logs”,

55. Bianca Bosker, “PayPal Admits State Department Pressure Caused It To Block WikiLeaks,”

56. The White House, “Executive Order 13584 – Developing an Integrated Strategic Counterterrorism Communications Initiative,” September 9, 2011,

57. Wikileaks, “The gifiles,”

58. Michael B. Kelley, “Mexican Diplomat Says America Pretty Much Invited The Sinaloa Drug Cartel Across The Border,” Business Insider, October 21, 2012,

59. Lee Fang, “How Twitter Quietly Aided the Pentagon’s Covert Online PsyOp Campaign,” December 20, 2022,

60. Glenn Greenwald, “NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon customers daily,” The Guardian, June 6, 2013,

61. Inspector General Dr. George Ellard, “Report on the Special Study to Comply with FISA Amendments Act,” National Security Agency, January 7, 2016,

62. Jeff Carlson, “John Carlin – The Former NSD Head Who Enabled the FBI’s Carter Page FISA Warrant,” The Markets Work, May 21, 2018,

63. Tyler Durden, “March 9, 2022...Will Live in Infamy,” Zerohedge, October 30, 2023,; Whitehouse, “Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets,” March 9, 2022,

64. Sundance, “Former Intel Officials Want Efforts to Break Up Big Tech Stopped – Data Control and Retention of Social Media Partnership Is a National Security Imperative,” The Conservative Tree House, April 20, 2022, accessed May 20, 2022,; James Clapper et al., “Open Letter from Former Defense, Intelligence, Homeland Security, and Cyber Officials Calling for National Security Review of Congressional Tech Legislation,” April 18, 2022, 

65. Sundance, “Video Shows U.S. Secret Service Spotting and Watching Shooter Prior to Shots – Doing Nothing, Then Flinching with Inbound Bullets,” The Conservative Tree House, July 13, 2024,

66. Jim Hoft, “Investment Firm That Allegedly “Put Options” on 12 Million Trump Stocks Day Before Assassination Attempt Blames Filing Error — Rothschild, BlackRock, Vanguard, Meta, George Bush, and Cheney Family Among Top Investors,” The Gateway Pundit, July 18, 2024,