1929 - Financial Collapse — Mundane Astrology

Inspiring Words

Charles Carter said, “if the restoration of public honor to Astrology be his goal, it would seem that this can be attained in no better way than by acquiring the power to foresee correctly the things of national moment”.
The repetition of past patterns indicates what lies ahead.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

1929 - Financial Collapse

The dance between the signs occupied by Uranus and Pluto generates their own climate in each period. The colonial period demonstrated the heavy oppression of Pluto in Capricorn that erupted with rebellion to create a new country. The next cycle with both Uranus and Pluto in Aries manifested as an aggressive migration that established new boundaries. 

Pluto in Cancer would expose the sense of security derived from the economy that was upended by Uranus. A notably brilliant comet, Skjellerup-Maristanny, would be seen by the naked eye by mid-December of 1927 with Uranus at 29 Pisces.176 (more on keywords)
Following Uranus Aries entry, a new Jupiter-Uranus cycle formed in the first decan at 03 Aries to aspect Uranus-Neptune at 03 Capricorn and Saturn-Pluto at 02 Cancer as a T-square of cycles. This Jupiter-Uranus cycle formed with both planets in stationary retrograde, maximizing their impact, in a different direction(more on stationary orbs

The Great Bull Market
This Uranus cycle would usher in another populist leader which can arise from either the right or the left as well as an historical financial market collapse. 
Financial cycles have distinct currents, and we will examine a few key dates in the cycle that involved the Great Depression.

The downturn was preceded by the Great Bull Market that began eighteen months of stock speculation on March 3, 1928.177  (making yearly event page)
Transits to Cycles and Eclipses on March 3, 1928.
  • Stationary Mercury 27 Aquarius 26 square Saturn-Uranus 27 Scorpio 40 orb 0.14.
  • Sun 12 Pisces 53 square Lunar eclipse 15 Gemini 38 orb 2.45.
  • Venus 12 Aquarius 17 opposition Jupiter-Neptune 10 Leo 49 orb 1.28.
  • Mars 03 Aquarius 22 opposition Saturn-Neptune 04 Leo 45 orb 1.23.
  • Jupiter 08 Aries 29 square Jupiter-Pluto 06 Cancer 03 orb 2.26.
  • Jupiter 08 Aries 29 square Solar eclipse 06 Cancer 31 orb 1.58.
  • Uranus 02 Aries 12 conjunct Jupiter-Uranus 03 Aries 24 orb 1.12.
  • Uranus 02 Aries 12 square Uranus-Neptune 03 Capricorn 01 orb 0.49.
  • Uranus 02 Aries 12 square Saturn-Pluto 02 Cancer 14 orb 0.02.
  • Uranus 02 Aries 12 square Solar eclipse 01 Capricorn 21 orb 0.51.
  • North Node 14 Gemini 29 conjunct Lunar eclipse 15 Gemini 38 orb 1.09.
  • Chiron 02 Taurus 38 square Saturn-Neptune 04 Leo 45 orb 2.07.
The stationary direct Mercury at 27 Aquarius with Mars at 03 Aquarius 22 was strikingly similar to the Boston Massacre which also had stationary direct Mercury at 28 Aquarius with Mars at 03 Aquarius 20.

Mercury was a seventy-nine-year return to the inauguration of President Taylor and the Boston Massacre one hundred fifty-eight years before. This harbinger of war would be financial rather than bullets. (more on stationary returns)

Stationary Mercury in close opposition to transiting Neptune created delusion, with multiple aspects to Neptune cycles at the start of the illusionary speculation bubble.  (more on transits to nation charts)
Transits to Federal Chart on March 3, 1928.
  • Stationary Mercury 27 Aquarius 26 square Ascendant 27 Scorpio 19 orb 0.06.
  • Stationary Mercury 27 Aquarius 26 conjunct Mars 28 Aquarius 43 orb 1.17.
  • Sun 12 Pisces 53 conjunct Sun 14 Pisces 07 orb 1.13.
  • Sun 12 Pisces 53 conjunct Saturn 13 Pisces 35 orb 0.42.
  • Sun 12 Pisces 53 opposition Midheaven 10 Virgo 54 orb 1.59.
  • Mars 03 Aquarius 22 opposition Uranus 01 Leo 16 orb 2.06.
  • Saturn 18 Sagittarius 36 square Lilith 18 Pisces 05 orb 0.31.
  • Neptune 27 Leo 24 opposition Mars 28 Aquarius 43 orb 0.51.
  • Neptune 27 Leo 24 square Ascendant 27 Scorpio 19 orb 0.04.
  • North Node 14 Gemini 29 square Sun 14 Pisces 07 orb 0.22.
  • North Node 14 Gemini 29 square Saturn 13 Pisces 35 orb 0.53.
  • North Node 14 Gemini 29 conjunct Chiron 15 Gemini 24 orb 0.55.
  • Chiron 02 Taurus 38 square Uranus 01 Leo 16 orb 1.22. 
The central figure on the New York Stock Exchange features the winged cap of Mercury, the Roman god of commerce, as stationary Mercury in opposition to Neptune aspected the Federal Mars and the Ascendant of the common people.

The Federal Reserve had made no changes in the discount rate to halt speculation. There was the broadest trading on record with sharply rising stock prices that soared to new highs in a deluge of buying by April 27, 1928.178 It would be another eighteen months from the record stock high in April 1928 to the crash in October 1929.
The Bull Market Peak
The bull market that began on March 3, 1928, would peak after eighteen months on September 3, 1929.179 Saturn was stationary direct at 23 Sagittarius 54 to square its own position of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle at 26 Virgo 36 and put the brakes on the bull market, the top of the roller coaster had been reached. Mercury at 05 Libra and Mars at 08 Libra square Jupiter-Pluto at 06 Cancer as Venus at 03 Leo was conjunct Saturn-Neptune at 04 Leo. The Sun at 10 Virgo was square a Lunar eclipse at 12 Sagittarius.
In 1929, Venus turned retrograde at 08 Taurus square the Jupiter-Neptune cycle at 10 Leo.

Comparing the bull market start to the market peak, the market peak Venus at 03 Leo was in opposition to bull market start Mars at 03 Aquarius and square Chiron at 02 Taurus. Market peak Chiron at 14 Taurus was square Venus at 12 Aquarius, a double whammy of Venus and Chiron. (Chiron vulnerability) Transiting emphasized Mars at 08 Libra opposed the transiting Uranus at 10 Aries to aspect the inflated Jupiter at 08 Aries when the bull market began. (more on emphasized planets
 A Venus cycle is eight years with roughly eighteen-month patterns, the Lilith cycle of eight years and ten months has roughly nine months in a sign. Both are worth noting since there were eighteen months from the start of the bull market to the bull market peak.

President Coolidge’s final State of the Union in December of 1928 noted that the tax rate had been cut to a third of the wartime level while improving government efficiency and lowering the debt. People had jobs with low unemployment with money to spend, as 98% paid no income tax. Astrologers claimed the year 1929 would be remembered as a year of prosperity.180

Black Thursday
On Black Thursday, the panic selling would be the precursor of the crash with the depression to follow with Pluto stationary retrograde. Transiting Saturn at 26 Sagittarius 22 was perfect in opposition to the Solar eclipse at 26 Gemini 22 and square its own position in the Jupiter-Saturn cycle at 26 Virgo 36 to affect the Virgo labor force across the country.

Transits to Cycles and Eclipses on October 24, 1929.
  • Sun 00 Scorpio 48 opposition Uranus-Pluto 29 Aries 40 orb 1.08.
  • Venus 05 Libra 33 square Jupiter-Pluto 06 Cancer 03 orb 0.30.
  • Venus 05 Libra 33 square Uranus-Neptune 03 Capricorn 01 orb 2.32.
  • Venus 05 Libra 33 opposition Jupiter-Uranus 03 Aries 24 orb 2.09.
  • Mars 12 Scorpio 28 square Jupiter-Neptune 10 Leo 49 orb 1.39.
  • Saturn 26 Sagittarius 22 square Jupiter-Saturn 26 Virgo 36 orb 0.14.
  • Saturn 26 Sagittarius 22 opposition Solar eclipse 26 Gemini 22 orb 0.00.
  • North Node 12 Taurus 13 square Jupiter-Neptune 10 Leo 49 orb 1.24. 
  • Chiron 12 Taurus 34 square Jupiter-Neptune 10 Leo 49 orb 1.45

Transits to Pilgrim Chart on October 24, 1929.
  • Sun 00 Scorpio 48 square Uranus 01 Leo 58 orb 1.10.
  • Mercury 12 Libra 35 conjunct Neptune 13 Libra 48 orb 1.13.
  • Venus 05 Libra 33 square Saturn 03 Cancer 31 orb 2.02.
  • Mars 12 Scorpio 28 conjunct Venus 13 Scorpio 59 orb 1.31.
  • Mars 12 Scorpio 28 opposition Jupiter 11 Taurus 24 orb 1.05.
  • Mars 12 Scorpio 28 opposition Pluto 11 Taurus 41 orb 1.39.
  • Mars 12 Scorpio 28 square Lilith 13 Aquarius 16 orb 0.48.
  • Jupiter 15 Gemini 47 opposition North Node 16 Sagittarius 38 orb 0.51.
  • North Node 12 Taurus 13 opposition Venus 13 Scorpio 59 orb 1.45.
  • North Node 12 Taurus 13 conjunct Jupiter 11 Taurus 24 orb 0.50.
  • North Node 12 Taurus 13 conjunct Pluto 11 Taurus 41 orb 0.33.
  • North Node 12 Taurus 13 square Lilith 13 Aquarius 16 orb 1.02.
  • Chiron 12 Taurus 34 opposition Venus 13 Scorpio 59 orb 1.25.
  • Chiron 12 Taurus 34 conjunct Jupiter 11 Taurus 24 orb 1.10.
  • Chiron 12 Taurus 34 conjunct Pluto 11 Taurus 41 orb 0.53.
  • Chiron 12 Taurus 34 square Lilith 13 Aquarius 16 orb 0.42.
Stationary Pluto set the stage for destruction as the Sun in Scorpio was square the unexpected Uranus with Mars in opposition to Pluto to deal a deadly blow to the stock market. The tight configuration of Mars, the North Node and Chiron opposition set off the T-square in the Pilgrim chart with a double whammy of the expansive Jupiter and the North Node marking the day. 

The bull market began with Venus at 12 Aquarius, the stock market panic had the transiting Mars at 12 Scorpio, North Node at 12 Taurus, and Chiron at 12 Taurus in square.

Days later there was a Solar eclipse at 08 Scorpio to oppose where Venus became stationary retrograde at 08 Taurus in 1929.

Spreading Bank Failures
Small rural banks left fragile from the farm crises had been forced to close following the crash. Newspapers reported on July 18, 1930, the director of the Bank in Rutland, Vermont had committed suicide, within hours the run on the bank forced its closure.181

Three days later, National Bank of Arkansas, the second largest bank in Pine Bluff also closed due to withdrawals on the day Uranus turned stationary retrograde.182 
Transiting Jupiter at 05 Cancer was minutes from its twelve-year return to the banking Jupiter-Pluto destruction at 06 Cancer magnifying the energy as transiting Saturn at 07 Capricorn opposed the cycle. The Sun at 28 Cancer and the North Node at 28 Aries aspected another Pluto cycle, Uranus-Pluto at 29 Aries. Mercury at 05 Leo was conjunct Saturn-Neptune at 04 Leo and the last Solar eclipse at 07 Taurus.
Stationary Uranus at 15 Aries was conjunct the Paris Mars at 14 Aries as the transiting Saturn at 07 Capricorn 06 had returned to the Paris Saturn at 05 Capricorn 59 after thirty years with Jupiter opposing.

To combat the unemployment, the President ordered the State Department to bar foreign laborers visas on September 9, 1930.183 Saturn became stationary direct that day at 05 Capricorn, Mercury turned retrograde the day before at 06 Libra with transiting Mars at 07 Cancer to form a powerful T-square to the Jupiter-Pluto cycle at 06 Cancer.

The T-square would highlight the Paris Saturn return to 05 Capricorn as stationary. Transiting Jupiter at 15 Cancer was square the transiting Uranus at 14 Aries to aspect the Paris Mars at 14 Aries.
This was the fifty-nine-year return of stationary Saturn to when immigrants squatted on land in Kansas set aside for Native Americans in 1871.184 The seventy-nine-year return of Mercury would also have immigration on the front page of the paper when a band of gypsies from Newcastle, England arrived in New York in 1851.185

Some economists concluded that the contraction by the Federal Reserve contributed to the Depression.186 The Federal Reserve was supposed to protect the nation’s banks from failing and yet between 1921 and 1933 over 15,000 banks failed, more than half of the country’s banks, the most in American history.

On October 7, 1930, the first Aries Lunar eclipse occurred at 13 Aries conjunct the Paris Mars. The coming economic destruction would dwarf what occurred in 1920 after the bankers secret meeting.

A pivotal date of importance that economists would agree on was the first conglomerate to collapse, Caldwell and Company in Nashville, Tennessee, on November 7, 1930.187 As the largest financial institution of the south that handled banking, brokerage and insurance, it highlighted the ‘contagion of fear’ as panic spread across the states of Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky and North Carolina involving nearly 120 banks.188

Stationary retrograde Venus at 06 Sagittarius square transiting Neptune at 05 Virgo would aspect the Federal Moon at 04 Sagittarius 55 to affect the masses. The dispositor of Venus, Jupiter, became stationary retrograde that day at 20 Cancer joined with transiting Pluto at 20 Cancer.

Jupiter of banking was a return to the Federal Jupiter at 19 Cancer 58. Jupiter increased the destruction of Pluto in square to the emphasized Federal Neptune at 22 Libra. The bank went into receivership which set off bank runs on affiliate banks throughout the south.
Jupiter was an eighty-three-year stationary return to negotiate peace talks with Mexico in 1847, during an economic war. Stationary Jupiter of banking and transiting Pluto at 20 Cancer was conjunct the Federal Reserve Ascendant at 18 Cancer and Mars at 19 Cancer as the transiting North Node at 23 Aries was square as emphasized Federal Reserve Jupiter at 23 Capricorn. The Sun at 14 Scorpio, Mercury at 15 Scorpio, and Chiron at 16 Taurus aspected the Federal Reserve Moon at 14 Scorpio.

A month later, on December 11, 1930, the next domino to fall was Bank of the United States in New York City. The bank had 60 branches and nearly half a million depositors when it collapsed.189 
Venus would turn stationary direct in two days with Mars, Uranus, and Neptune stationary. The stationary Venus at 22 Scorpio was in opposition to the Paris Chiron at 20 Taurus as stationary Mars at 16 Leo was conjunct the Midheaven at 17 Leo. Stationary Uranus at 11 Aries, with transiting Saturn at 11 Capricorn and Paris Uranus at 11 Cancer, brought disruptive shocks.

Mars was a seventy-nine-year stationary return to December 2, 1851, New Yorkers were furious on revelations that a British warship fired on the American ship Prometheus.190 The violation of the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty in the Isthmus of Panama had Americans demanding an apology from the British government for the attack. The markets reacted with concerns over the naval clash as the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty negotiation involved English bankers such as Rothschilds, Baring Brothers, and Sir J. H. Pelly, who were interested in the canal project.

176. David J. Eicher, Comets!:Visitors from Deep Space, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 41.

177. John T. Morello, “The Great Bull Market of 1928,” Central States Speech Journal 31, no. 2 (1980): 95.

178. “Stock Prices Soar in Gigantic Trade,” Washington Evening Star, April 27, 1928, 1.

179. G. J. Santoni, “The Great Bull Markets 1924-29 and 1982-87: Speculative Bubbles or Economic Fundamentals?” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 69, no. 9 (1987): 16.

180. “Prosperity Paramount in 1929 Astrologers Forecast,” Ogden (UT) Standard-Examiner, December 30, 1928.

181. “Vermont Bank in Examiner’s Hands-Run On Institution Follows Suicide of Director,” New Briton (CT) Herald, July 18, 1930, 19.

182. “Arkansas Bank Closes-Steady Withdrawals For Month Hit Pine Bluff Institution,” Washington Evening Star, July 21, 1930, 1.

183. “Labor Immigration Halted Temporarily At Hoover’s Orders,” New York Times, September 10, 1930, 1.

184. Washington Evening Star, September 2, 1871, 1.

185. Meigs County Telegraph (Pomeroy, OH), September 9, 1851, 1.

186. David C. Wheelock, “Monetary Policy in The Great Depression: What the Fed Did and Why,” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 74, no. 2 (1992): 23-27.

187. Elmus Wicker, “A Reconsideration of the Causes of the Banking Panic of 1930,” The Journal of Economic History 40, no. 3 (1980): 572-576.

188. Michael Bordo and John Landon Lane, “The Lessons from the Banking Panics in the United States in the 1930s for the Financial Crises of 2007-2008,” Presented at Graduate Center, City University of New York, February 7, 2012, 7-9. https://www.gc.cuny.edu/sites/default/files/2021-07/The-Banking-Panics-in-the-United-States-in-the-1930s-Feb2012.pdf.

189. Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr., Taming the Megabanks: Why We Need a New Glass-Steagall Act, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020), 91-95.

190. “Arrival of the Prometheus-Outrage on the American Flag,” New York Herald, December 2, 1851, 1; Mario Rodriguez, “The Prometheus and the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty,” The Journal of Modern History 36, no. 3 (1964): 260-278.