China Stealth Warfare Signals of Mars — Mundane Astrology

Inspiring Words

Charles Carter said, “if the restoration of public honor to Astrology be his goal, it would seem that this can be attained in no better way than by acquiring the power to foresee correctly the things of national moment”.
The repetition of past patterns indicates what lies ahead.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

China Stealth Warfare Signals of Mars

Stirring Resistance
In April of 2020, a new Jupiter-Pluto cycle occurred at 24 Capricorn, only two degrees from the Saturn-Pluto cycle at 22 Capricorn. The initial pandemic lockdown was followed by a summer of protests in 2020; many were full-scale riots with arson and looting. The civil unrest coupled with calls to defund the police while not prosecuting crimes created conditions where cities that had once been major travel destinations, were no longer safe.  (making yearly event page)
People began to sound the alarm at the encroachment of basic freedoms by the convergence of power between governmental bureaus and the corporations of banking, pharma, agriculture, media, and tech. 

That power flexed its muscle in the censorship of anyone on the right or the left that questioned the desired positions broadcast through the media. In each prior Uranus in Aries cycles there was a slow process to awaken the center rather than the edges of the populace. 
The task of gradually questioning the narrative, defining chosen positions and self-identification became a winnowing of the people as they divided. These encroachments began to stir a realization that there was a problem as freedoms had been taken away.

Tensions with China increased when on July 24, 2020, it was reported that the State Department ordered the closure of the China consulate in Houston, Texas. There was an investigation across the country of people thought to be members of China’s military at universities to recruit researchers and collect technology.296 
(more on transits to nation charts)

Mars was at 14 Aries 48 and would 'enter shadow' in only two days with the transiting Mercury of information at 12 Cancer forming a transiting square to aspect the Paris Mars at 14 Aries and the Paris Uranus at 11 Cancer. 

The transiting Jupiter at 21 Capricorn was returning to the Paris Jupiter at 22 Capricorn. Transiting Venus at 18 Gemini was square the slow transiting Neptune of communism at 20 Pisces to aspect the Paris North Node at 18 Pisces. Neptune was emphasized as the transiting Chiron of battle was at 09 Aries to oppose the Paris Neptune at 08 Libra. (more on emphasized planets)

The position across the corporate powers became one of American denigration, that America should be shamed publicly. Any form of American patriotism was equated to white nationalism or being a member of the KKK. No one could say anything negative about China or connect China with the virus without being silenced, which was very telling.

The announcement by the multinational media corporations that President Trump had lost his reelection bid became questionable for many Americans as reports of irregularities surfaced.
In mundane astrology the third house rules the public opinion and thoughts of the people which means voting would come under the expression of the public thoughts and involve Mercury as well. (more on keywords)

The stationary Mercury at 25 Libra in a tight square with the transiting Saturn at 26 Capricorn in the third house on election day to aspect the twelfth house Paris Venus at 24 Libra would constrain. Transiting Jupiter joined with transiting Pluto to conjunct the Paris Jupiter in the third house(more on transits to nation charts)

Mars was also stationary at 15 Aries to conjunct the Paris Mars at 14 Aries; Mars had been at 14 Aries when the State Department closed the China consulate. Mars was a stationary return to the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 which also had Mars at 15 Aries.  Transiting Venus at 08 Libra 47 was emphasized to conjunct the Paris Neptune at 08 Libra 54, an aspect that raised doubts. 

China would benefit with a more amenable president in office and the multinational corporations wanted all that the TPP would have instituted. The Democratic Party, the corporate monopolies, and China did share one common thread, contempt for America.

Mercury became stationary at 25 Libra 54 on election day November 3, 2020, with stationary Mars at 15 Aries 14, in a seventy-nine-year cycle return to events connected to periods of war.  (more on stationary returns

On November 6, 1941, the United States extended one billion dollars in Lend-Lease credit to the Soviet Union with a stationary Mercury at 26 Libra 21 and Mars stationary.297 On November 17, 1941, the Japanese diplomat threatened attack when he and FDR disagreed over China; the stationary Mars at 11 Aries 04 was still in orb.298 An impatient President Lincoln replaced General McClellan during the Civil War on November 7, 1862, as Mercury became stationary at 26 Libra 49 and Mars at 06 Aries 52.299

The election doubts spread and belief in the power of the vote was one more institution to fall. The courts refused to allow examination of the voting irregularities largely on technical grounds; too soon, too late, standing, which caused belief in yet another institution to fall.300

Some Americans went to the Capitol on January 6, 2021, to protest the election results. Uranus was stationary direct at 06 Taurus square the Declaration North Node at 06 Leo with the transiting emphasized North Node at 19 Gemini conjunct the Declaration Mars at 21 Gemini. The transiting emphasized Mars at the critical 29 Aries was square the transiting Mercury at 27 Capricorn to aspect the Declaration Pluto at 27 Capricorn.

These protestors would be treated far differently than the protestors four years earlier in 2016. The Sun at 16 Capricorn was square the election night stationary Mars at 15 Aries and the protest Mercury at 27 Capricorn was square the election stationary Mercury at 25 Libra. Odd that Uranus had also been stationary at 06 Taurus but retrograde when the public was supposed to believe Jeffery Epstein killed himself.301

Reexamined Values
Average Americans were seeing a two-tiered society being unveiled. The rulership of the privileged over the rest of the country would be a return to the feudalism of old Europe if these steady movements became the future. The flagrant disregard by empowered elites for the rules that normal Americans were required to obey had become obvious. The laws did not apply to the privileged; they are too big to jail, as the banks were too big to fail. The equal system of justice from the Magna Carta was another dissolving belief.

In the wake of the pandemic and rising crime, many began to rethink their urban or suburban homes and undertook a transition to rural living.302 This urban Uranus exodus came about as the sign of Taurus brought change to what was perceived as valuable.

Uranus was in Taurus from 1768 until 1775 brought the Battle of Lexington. The British troops that 
guarded the customs house responded to taunts and snowballs thrown with the Boston Massacre. Colonists began to see government as a problem and set out to actively resist the ever-increasing control of King George, the censorship, unfair taxes and corrupted judicial system. Coordinated groups undertook sabotage to strike back against the tyranny, burning the British custom enforcement vessels Liberty and Gaspee, and the destruction of commercial products with the Boston Tea Party.

The 1851 Uranus in Taurus unleashed a fierce resistance based on values, since abolitionists saw the Fugitive Slave Act as morally repugnant. There would be civil disobedience and riots when the tide began to turn and the abolitionists with escaping slaves began to fight back against the slavers until the fight became the Civil War.

The Taurus Uranus of 1934 thru 1941 saw financial values change with gold confiscated, the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, and foreclosures that brought starvation and homelessness with massive migrations. That period moved to join World War II as Uranus left Taurus.

Uranus in Taurus will gather its resources and become fixed and resolute in preparation before an approaching storm. Do not expect quiet in the prelude of the Uranus ingress into Gemini in July of 2025.

In each of these events Uranus was at 00 Gemini. Note the positions of Neptune in third decan across the axis of Virgo and Pisces with the North Nodes in a wheel of Lexington, House Divided speech to Greer. There was another repeating pattern that should be noted. 

On March 23, 1773, a Solar eclipse occurred at 03 Aries 54 before Lexington. Eighty-four years later, on March 25, 1857, there was a Solar eclipse at 05 Aries 14 before the speech by Lincoln. The next repetition was the Solar eclipse on March 27, 1941, at 06 Aries 46 before the Greer incident and entering World War II. On March 29, 2025, the Solar eclipse will be at 09 Aries 00.

Around June 7, 2024, Mars will be in orb to return to the Mars 29 Aries of the J6 protest again.

To learn more.

296. Keith Bradsher and Steven Lee Myers, “China Orders U.S. to Shut Chengdu Consulate in Retaliating for Houston,” New York Times, July 24, 2020, accessed on September 14, 2021,

297. William L. Langer, An Encyclopedia of World History, 1137.

298. Charles Van Doren and Robert McHenry, Webster’s Guide to American History, 483.

299. Charles Van Doren and Robert McHenry, Webster’s Guide to American History, 233.

300. Jack Phillips, “Trump Lawyer: Supreme Court Dismissed Texas Case on a ‘Political Whim’,” The Epoch Times, December 13, 2020, accessed September 19, 2021,

301. Michael R. Sisak, “Source: Jeffery Epstein dies by suicide while awaiting trial,”, August 10, 2019, accessed September 19, 2021,, Fire Department reported the call was at 6:39 am on August 10, 2019.

302. Stephan D. Whitaker, “Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Cause an Urban Exodus?,” Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, February 5, 2021,