Keywords in Mundane Astrology — Mundane Astrology

Inspiring Words

Charles Carter said, “if the restoration of public honor to Astrology be his goal, it would seem that this can be attained in no better way than by acquiring the power to foresee correctly the things of national moment”.
The repetition of past patterns indicates what lies ahead.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Keywords in Mundane Astrology

 Resonating Atmosphere
First, let us consider some of the components at our disposal in mundane astrology, then we will address how to work with them. Some of the elements Charles Carter featured in Mundane Astrology were the great conjunction cycles, eclipses, station points, and transits to foundational charts of the nation.12 

Astrological events involved with major conjunction cycles, (view as an eclipse on a grand scale), each with their own energy, generate vibrations much like an atmosphere. The concept that each planet emits its own tone in orbital resonance proposed by Pythagoras as a universal music was followed by Copernicus view of a harmonic synchronized solar system. Later Kepler proposed that celestial harmonics could permeate the cosmos.
Modern scientists theorize that our universe formed a sort of ‘celestial choir’ and that the Sun synchronizes with planetary harmonics to act as an amplifier to resonate that music. Scientists have also noted the majority of the largest solar flares started with Mercury, Venus, Earth, or Jupiter nearly above or opposing the event and linked sunspot activity corresponding to the Jupiter-Saturn synod.13

The importance of using eclipses and station points has been indicated from other sources as well. The secrets revealed from the study of the Antikythera mechanism indicate the ancients’ appreciation of the planetary cycles. The mechanical device could accurately predict eclipses, show calendars of the nineteen-year repeating eclipses, and inscriptions of stationary points of planets.14
Moments in Time
Significant moments in history are essentially a transit recorded as an event, a snapshot of that instant which can then be compared to a later transit in the course of movement, like plots on a map. In this landscape of events, we will find moments of history that connect to celestial occurrences.
Mundane Keywords
Delineating those moments requires keywords. Astrologers well versed in the ‘language’ of reading natal charts can become fluent in the ‘dialect’ of mundane interpretation as the nuances of keywords are expanded to events rather than an individual.15

Some mundane planetary keywords:
  • Sun – national character, the leader, head of state, person of authority, royalty, superiors, administrations, aristocrats, officials, ruling class, government, power, honor, glory, heroes, gold, speculation, stock market and brokers.
  • Moon - common people, mood of the people, the public, the masses, civilians, popular opinion, food, water, homes, homeland, domestic, family, environment, shipping, oceans, mariners, and voyages.
  • Mercury - communication industries, writing, edicts, speech, press, newspapers, reporters, post office, treaties, trade, merchants, advisors, ambassadors, transportation systems, railroads, and highways.
  • Venus - the treasury, finance, banks, bankers, currency, incomes, money, loans, prices, profit, revenue, the arts, the elite, social affairs, women’s issues, alliances, diplomacy, peace, passion with associations to war.
  • Mars – patriotism, war, armed forces, military, troops, police, disputes, conflict, guns, ammunition, manufacturing, violence, fires, action, aggression, protest, infection, contagion, energizes, ignites, and initiates.
  • Jupiter - judges, courts, law, lawyers, justice, legislation, proclamations, regulations, bureaucracy, bounties, tariffs, religious ceremonies, royalty, nobles, treaties, international commerce, banks, universities, expands, growth, generosity, policy, and national wealth.
  • Saturn – austerity, business, condemnation, land, agriculture, farms, famines, elders, establishment, mines, limitations, borders, neglect, restraint, tradition, structure, isolation, defeat, discontent, oppressive, vetoing, foreclosure, law enforcement, and national resources.
  • Uranus – societies, independence, freedom, liberty, reform, creative, revolution, innovation, frontiers, rebellions, strikes, riots, aircraft, scientific discoveries, bombs, explosions, anarchy, upheaval, economic change, radical, eccentric, and technology.
  • Neptune – socialism, plots, sedition, fraud, swindles, illusions, subversion, ideals, utopia, visions, dreams, delusions, dissolving, confusion, scandals, deception, collective, communistic, breweries, oil, drugs, poisons, hoaxes, conspiracies, espionage, secrets, chemicals, the navy.
  • Pluto – atomic energy, hidden forces, power, organized crime, secret police, detectives, mobs, terrorists, evil, epidemics, death, rebirth, totalitarian, compulsive, assassinations, toxins, massacres, global wars, poisons, pollution, corruption, taxation, transformation, and tyranny.
The North Node and the Black Moon Lilith are essentially mathematical points. 

The inclusion of Lilith in mundane research can further expand the insights of Ivy Goldstein Jacobson and Delphine Jay.

Delphine theorized that the awakening influence of Uranus and the transformative Pluto energy was exhibited through Lilith. Studies will note Lilith often involved in death like a feminine version of Pluto.16 

In the vicious blood sport of politics, Lilith keywords were liberated, independent, extreme, challenging, unrepentant, wild, untamed, hidden, betrayal, shadowy, unseen forces, resentment, death, abortion, revenge and a refusal to submit.

Lilith was only considered on events with an approximate time.

The North Node always has a South Node, an axis that becomes even more pronounced when one is using the aspects of the conjunction, opposition and square. Significant events are seen with nodal involvement.   
    There are more facets to the Chiron mythology than teacher healer.

    He trained mortals to become skilled warriors but sustained lasting harm during an attack. Prometheus had been chained to a rock in punishment for his gift of Uranus enlightenment to mankind until Chiron willingly embraced death which facilitated the release of Prometheus with Chiron placed in the heavens as Sagittarius.

    Chiron’s keywords were expanded to include vulnerability, wounded, attacks, death, pain, medicine, release, sacrifice, battles, warfare, truth, knowledge, and wisdom.

    Some mundane house keywords:
    • First House - body politic, the common people, general character and condition of the public, public health, national traits and habits, mood of the populace.
    • Second House - currency circulation, valuation and control, national wealth and exports, government finances, national treasury, financial condition of the people.
    • Third house - roads, highways, railroads, transport systems, local commerce, public opinion, opinion of press, neighboring countries, merchants, information systems, public school system, storm effects.
    • Fourth House - agriculture, crops, mining, political party out of power, land, boundaries, patriotism, nationalism, public housing.
    • Fifth House - birthrate, ambassadors, circumstances of children, entertainment industry, national sports and venues, stock exchanges and markets.
    • Sixth House - public health and illness, public health emergency services and bureaus, civil service employees, personnel of police, army and navy, working class people.
    • Seventh House - foreign affairs and trade, public support for foreign policy, trade agreements, warfare, enemies of the state, international relationships.
    • Eighth House - death rates, financial relationships with foreign nations, national debt, national treasurer, public income.
    • Ninth House - international commerce, long distance traffic, tariffs, shipping, attitude of the press toward public, immigration, courts of law, Supreme Court, religion, churches.
    • Tenth House - government administration, president, government officials, political party in power, credit and reputation of nation, national celebrities.    
    • Eleventh House - House of Representatives and Senate, international friendships, friends of the nation and alliances, national aims and desires.
    • Twelfth House - hidden underhanded operation, hidden enemies of nation, condition of crime, conditions against the public welfare, secret service agencies organizations.   
    Using the mundane interpretations, we then need to assemble the components. By dissecting a point in the past, we can learn what actually occurred rather than theorize.

    To study events for the year 1760, see the example listed below. 
    Major conjunction cycles were listed as sensitive points with the station points and eclipses using the ALT codes for astrology symbols in a document file for each year. 

    Assessments of astrological phenomena with correlated historical past events can expand techniques enabling one to anticipate likely scenarios, the probable course to trend, and the signals of shift.  


    12. H. S. Green, Raphael, and C. E. O. Carter, Mundane Astrology, 216-219.
    13. Nicola Scafetta, The Complex Planetary Synchronization Structure of the Solar System (Thesis, Duke University, 2014), 1-20,
    14. Alexander Jones, A Portable Cosmos: Revealing the Antikythera Mechanism, Scientific Wonder of the Ancient World (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017), 60, 79-81, 112, 154, 166.
    15. Rex E. Bills, The Rulership Book (Tempe, AZ: American Federation of Astrologers, 1993).
    16. Delphine Jay, Interpreting Lilith, (Van Nuys, CA: Astro-Analytics, 1981), 16.