FDR's Alien Containment Camps — Mundane Astrology

Inspiring Words

Charles Carter said, “if the restoration of public honor to Astrology be his goal, it would seem that this can be attained in no better way than by acquiring the power to foresee correctly the things of national moment”.
The repetition of past patterns indicates what lies ahead.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

FDR's Alien Containment Camps

Germany had taken Paris and France signed an armistice with Germany in June of 1940.221 

President Roosevelt signed the Alien Registration Act on June 28, 1940, as ‘a protection of the country but also for the protection of the loyal aliens who are its guests’. The Act required all aliens in the country to be registered and fingerprinted and to notify officials of any change of address.222

Aliens are ruled by Neptune according to the rulership book by Rex Bills as the Declaration chart was having its Neptune return with Venus in a transit return to the Declaration Venus ruling 'guests' at 03 Cancer(more on keywords)

Transiting Mars critical at 26 Cancer was conjunct the Declaration Mercury to register with Chiron at 20 Cancer to square the Declaration Chiron at 20 Aries as Lilith of extremes made her Aries ingress. (more on transits to nation charts)

Transiting Neptune at 22 Virgo opposed the Federal emphasized Mercury at 22 Pisces as the joined transiting Mercury and Pluto at 01 Leo were conjunct the Federal Uranus to identify potential ‘disloyal’ aliens.  (more on emphasized planets)

The transiting emphasized Uranus opposed the Ascendant at 27 Scorpio Transiting Ciron at 20 Cancer was conjunct the regulating Jupiter at 19 Cancer and square an emphasized Neptune at 22 Libra. (making yearly event page)
The joined transiting Mercury and Pluto at 01 Leo and Mars at 26 Cancer were square the Uranus-Pluto cycle at 29 Aries and the most recent Lunar eclipse at 01 Scorpio.

Transiting retrograde Venus of guests at 03 Cancer would aspect the T-square of Uranus-Neptune at 03 Capricorn, Jupiter-Uranus at 03 Aries and Saturn-Pluto at 02 Cancer and the Lunar eclipse at 03 Libra.

Involvement in the war became official after Pearl Harbor and Executive order 8985 signed on December 19, 1941, established an Office of Censorship with ‘absolute discretion’ of communications with foreign countries.223

On January 14, 1942, a proclamation was issued that all alien enemies must be registered.224 Venus of guests was stationary retrograde at 21 Aquarius conjunct the Federal Venus at 21 Aquarius in a transiting return with Saturn stationary direct at 21 Taurus in a close square. Eight years earlier, the stationary Venus involved escalating tensions with Britain and a possible trade war. (more on stationary returns)    

Transiting Uranus was at 26 Taurus to oppose the Ascendant at 27 Scorpio and square the Federal Mars at 28 Aquarius as transiting Mars at 01 Taurus was square the Federal Uranus at 01 Leo in a double whammy.

Executive Order 9066 was issued a month later on February 19, 1942.225 The registered and fingerprinted aliens from Japan, Italy, and Germany were rounded up and put in internment camps.

It was considered a ‘military necessity’ for the War Department to confine those of ‘enemy’ ancestry with much of their property confiscated or sold in a remarkable similarity to the confiscations of the Loyalists’ properties who were also deemed to be the enemy. The ‘us’ versus ‘them’ social division would be against immigrants from the combatant countries.

The actions of the government shifted as Venus of guests changed direction to stationary direct. S
tationary Venus at 05 Aquarius opposed the emphasized Declaration North Node at 06 Leo while the transiting square of the North Node at 13 Virgo and the stationary Jupiter at 11 Gemini aspected the Declaration Ascendant at 12 Sagittarius. The emphasized North Node to the Ascendant brought up the theme of identity, ‘American or not’ of the Venus guests, that had also occurred during the resistance to the Stamp Act.

Stationary Venus at 05 Aquarius opposed the transiting Pluto at 04 Leo to contact the Saturn-Neptune of government imprisonment of 04 Leo. The Mercury order was stationary direct at 12 Aquarius square Jupiter-Saturn of confinement at 14 Taurus to engage two Saturn involved cycles. Stationary Jupiter at 11 Gemini was square a Lunar eclipse at 12 Pisces. The Jupiter stationary was a return to when Oregon became a State in 1859, during the rising sectionalism before the Civil War and to February 9, 1776, when George Washington wrote to John Hancock regarding the treatment of captive prisoners.226

Shortly afterward, on the same day Venus turned direct, February 23, 1942, a Japanese submarine attacked the oil field of Ellwood, California around 7:20 pm.

At 3:12 am on February 25, 1942, astrologer Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson witnessed the Japanese air invasion of Los Angeles which was played down as a false alarm to avoid national panic.228 The Sun at 06 Pisces opposed Jupiter-Neptune at 08 Virgo as Mars at 24 Taurus was conjunct Jupiter-Uranus at 25 Taurus.

Mars joined with Uranus in an aviation attack square the Declaration Moon. The Sun at 06 Pisces was square transiting Lilith at 06 Gemini to aspect the emphasized Declaration Uranus at 08 Gemini. Transiting Jupiter at 12 Gemini was in square with transiting North Node at 13 Virgo to aspect the Ascendant at 12 Sagittarius as the stationary Venus opposed the emphasized Declaration North Node at 06 Leo.
President Roosevelt brought enthusiasm and confidence into the White House during the dark days of the Great Depression. Americans responded to that enthusiasm and were willing to take part in the Uranus innovations and the Pluto transformations. Even if some of the economic experiments failed, ordinary people believed that FDR would get them through it. His ability to speak to the people with his fireside chats in a relatable manner, engaged wider swathes of the public into political participation. Wider participation had also been part Zachary Taylor’s plans, he had also become president with Uranus in Aries like FDR.

President Roosevelt’s detractors believed he had made a small government into a bloated intrusive government trampling the freedom of people, yet he was revered by many for his optimism and charismatic, populist message to the common people. He was accused of orchestrating the entry of the country into the war much like President Polk was criticized over the Mexican War. President Roosevelt was twelve years in office and after his death the twenty-second amendment was passed to ensure that presidents could only have two terms no matter how popular.


221. Charles Van Doren and Robert McHenry, Webster’s Guide to American History, 476.

222. Claudius O. Johnson, “The Status of Freedom of Expression Under the Smith Act,” The Western Political Quarterly 11, no. 3 (1958): 1.

223. L. F. Schmeckebier, “Organization of the Executive Branch of the National Government of the United States: Changes between November 15, 1941 and March 31, 1942,” The American Political Science Review 36, no. 3 (1942), 487.

224. American Presidency Project, “Proclamation 2537-Regulations Pertaining to Alien Enemies,” January 14, 1942, https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/proclamation-2537-regulations-pertaining-alien-enemies.

225. John C. Henry, “Army Given Power to Move Any Citizen,” Washington Evening Star, February 20, 1942, 1.

226. Fritz Hirschfeld, George Washington and the Jews, (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2005), 69.

227. “Navy Hunts Sub in Sta. Barbara Attack,” Imperial Valley Press, El Centro, CA, February 24, 1942, 1.

228. Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson, Astrological Essays, (Alhambra, CA: Frank Severy Publishing, 1979), 49.