Verona Treaty of the Monarchies — Mundane Astrology

Inspiring Words

Charles Carter said, “if the restoration of public honor to Astrology be his goal, it would seem that this can be attained in no better way than by acquiring the power to foresee correctly the things of national moment”.
The repetition of past patterns indicates what lies ahead.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Verona Treaty of the Monarchies

 Machinations of Monarchies
There was turbulence in 1821 as three new cycles formed within months. A Jupiter-Pluto cycle at 27 Pisces 31 joined the Saturn-Pluto cycle at 27 Pisces 04 which entwined two Pluto cycles in February. In March, there was a Uranus-Neptune cycle at 03 Capricorn. Then in June, a new Jupiter-Saturn cycle at 24 Aries opposed the Saturn-Uranus cycle at 23 Libra.

On September 16, 1821, five days after a Lunar eclipse, the Russian Emperor put forth a proclamation, the Ukase of 1821, declaring sovereignty over much of the Pacific Northwest and refusing access to Pacific ports.81 The Lunar eclipse at 18 Pisces was conjunct the Paris North Node.

The transiting T-square of Venus at 24 Libra, Mars at 22 Cancer, and Saturn at 25 Aries had returned to the Paris Venus at 24 Libra and formed a Grand Cross with the Paris Jupiter at 22 Capricorn. A stalemate. Both the Sun (leader) and Mercury (message) were conjunct the Paris Mercury. (more on keywords) (making yearly event page)
The proclamation set for Washington, D.C. had both Uranus and Neptune stationary direct once again. After forming the new Uranus-Neptune cycle in March, they had retrograded together in April.

The transiting T-square of Venus at 24 Libra, Mars at 22 Cancer, and Saturn at 25 Aries  aspected both the Jupiter-Saturn at 24 Aries and Saturn-Uranus at 23 Libra.

Mercury at 25 Virgo was conjunct the earlier Lunar eclipse at 27 Virgo and aspected the Jupiter-Neptune at 24 Sagittarius, as well as the Jupiter-Pluto and Saturn-Pluto at 27 Pisces. 

Pluto Ingress
Pluto of power had made its ingress into the aggressive Aries in April of 1822. The monarchies of Austria, France, Prussia (German), and Russia quietly signed the Treaty of Verona on November 22, 1822.

The treaty goal was to end representative government that was seen as incompatible to their monarchial principles of divine right. The alliance also decided that liberty of the press must be suppressed as being detrimental to the princes. They used financial subsidies for France to make war on Spain to prevent self-government and then proceeded to do the same in Italy. 

The alliance had planned to destroy popular governments formed in Central and South America which had revolted from Spain and Portugal after the success of the United States. The details of this threat had been the basis for the Monroe Doctrine and was later read into the Congressional Record.82
The Verona treaty had the Sun at 29 Scorpio, the same degree as the Paris Moon with Jupiter of royalty opposed at 01 Gemini. Transiting Uranus at 05 Capricorn was conjunct the Paris Saturn at 05 Capricorn with Chiron in square at 06 Aries as the monarchies wanted Uranus disruption to self-governments such as the United States. Transiting square of Mercury at 09 Scorpio and the North Node at 09 Aquarius aspected the Paris Pluto at 08 Aquarius.

There were transits to all three Pluto involved cycles, the Sun to Uranus-Pluto at 28 Leo, Mars at 27 Sagittarius square the Saturn-Pluto at 27 Pisces and Jupiter-Pluto at 27 Pisces. Mercury at 09 Scorpio and the North Node at 09 Aquarius aspected the recent Lunar eclipse at 10 Aquarius. Transiting Venus at 22 Scorpio was square the recent Solar eclipse at 23 Leo and Jupiter at 01 Gemini was square a Lunar eclipse at 02 Pisces.

On September 19, 1823, Venus became stationary retrograde at 24 Libra in return to the Paris Venus at 24 Libra with transiting Mars at 08 Leo opposed to the Paris Pluto at 08 Aquarius. 

The stationary Venus return in 1759 to the Pilgrim Venus foreshadowed the goal for financial control. The Ukase followed by the monarchies joining together with the Treaty of Verona warned of other measures.(more on stationary returns)
The Monroe Doctrine was issued on December 2, 1823, to warn off colonizing North or South America that would be seen as an act of aggression.83

A transiting T-square of Jupiter at 09 Cancer, Uranus at 09 Capricorn, and Chiron at 09 Aries formed a Grand Cross to the Paris Neptune at 08 Libra 54 and Uranus at 11 Cancer 02 with Pluto at 00 Aries.

Transiting Venus at 24 Libra was once again conjunct the Paris Venus at 24 Libra with transiting Saturn at 18 Taurus to halt conflict of an emphasized Chiron at 20 Taurus. Venus was conjunct the Saturn-Uranus cycle at 23 Libra and opposed the Jupiter-Saturn cycle at 24 Aries, as it had been with the Russian proclamation. (emphasized planets

When Monroe gave his annual message to Congress, the possibility existed for aggression from either Spain, France, Russia, or Britain over shifting borders with the United States. There were doubts that the relatively young forty-year-old America (1783-1823) had the military capacity to enforce the Monroe Doctrine demand to back off.

The Russian Emperor finally agreed to a treaty on April 17, 1824, with both Neptune and Uranus stationary retrograde once again, they had both been direct for the Ukase of 1821.84

The stationary Uranus at 15 Capricorn was square the transiting Chiron at 14 Aries to aspect the Paris Mars at 14 Aries. Transiting Jupiter at 05 Cancer opposed the Paris Saturn at 05 Capricorn to bring a resolution with the Sun at 27 Aries square the last Lunar eclipse at 25 Cancer.

Note that of the three new cycles that formed in 1821, Venus at 00 Aries was square the Uranus-Neptune at 03 Capricorn, the Sun at 27 Aries was conjunct the Jupiter-Saturn at 24 Aries, Mars at 26 Virgo opposed the Jupiter-Pluto at 27 Pisces.
The decisive Mars square Mars indicated long range plans as the dispositor Mercury was conjunct the Verona Treaty Saturn with transiting Saturn opposing Venus.

81. Irby C. Nichols, Jr., “The Russian Ukase and the Monroe Doctrine: A Re-evaluation,” Pacific Historical Review 36, no.1 (1967): 13. Date as September 16 (N.S.), 1821.

82. Congressional Record, 64th Congress, 1st Session, Volume 53, Part 7, (1916) 6781; accessed January 30, 2023, Treaty of Verona at Verona, IT.

83. Eric Foner and John A. Garraty, eds. The Reader’s Companion to American History, 743.

84. Richard Allen Ward, “Great Britain and the Russian Ukase of 1821 of September 16, 1821” (Master’s thesis, North Texas State University, 1970), 82.