Uranus Awakening of the American Spirit — Mundane Astrology

Inspiring Words

Charles Carter said, “if the restoration of public honor to Astrology be his goal, it would seem that this can be attained in no better way than by acquiring the power to foresee correctly the things of national moment”.
The repetition of past patterns indicates what lies ahead.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Uranus Awakening of the American Spirit

Sparking Unrest
Jupiter would again be stationary retrograde at 22 Capricorn in an eighty-three-year stationary return to Bacon’s Rebellion as Halley’s Comet was sighted over London in early May of 1759, prior to Uranus Aries ingress on May 12, 1759.45 

On October 8, 1759, Venus was stationary retrograde at 13 Scorpio 31 to make a deep impression in its return to the Pilgrim Venus at 13 Scorpio 59 with transiting Mars in square at 13 Leo. Financial control of America would become a focal point. (repeating stationary points)
The colonies had not been closely managed regarding import duties. It was commonplace to offer a bribe of less than the duty for corrupt custom officers to look the other way. The lax British oversight signified in the Pilgrim chart Sun opposition of negligent Saturn had resulted in a degree of freedom as the colonists were mostly left alone to operate, rather like a teen having to fend for themselves due to unconcerned parents.46

John Adams lived during the rebellion and described the revolution as first being a change in the affection of the people toward England as a kind mother country. He identified 1760 as the awakening of the American spirit, which corresponded to Uranus in the early degrees of Aries. People would come to view England as one that sought to destroy them.47

In order to defeat the French, British cabinet leader William Pitt was resolved to halt the financial benefit the French derived from American trade. On March 18, 1760, he ended the low-key policy of colony management and sent the Massachusetts governor a directive to stop the smuggling with strict enforcement of the rarely used Molasses Act of 1733.48  (making yearly event page)

The Pitt policy change toward the colonies would bring unexpected consequences. Jupiter at 16 Aquarius 44 was near perfect in returning to Jupiter-Uranus at 16 Aquarius 40 from twelve years earlier, as transiting Neptune at 17 Leo 24 opposed the cycle. The celestial event of the cycle return would highlight Jupiter policy that was radically changed by Uranus with smuggling Neptune involved.

The Sun at 28 Pisces had squared the last Solar eclipse and joined transiting Uranus at the critical degree of 00 Aries 57 in a near perfect square to focus the Saturn-Neptune cycle at 00 Cancer 58. This was an extreme alteration (Uranus) for Saturn (business) Neptune (alcohol distilleries) that depended on the (Neptune) smuggling of the less expensive molasses to make a profit.

Mars, the dispositor of Uranus, at 14 Virgo was also square another Neptune cycle, Uranus-Neptune at 16 Sagittarius, in what Americans saw as an attack on their freedom to conduct commerce. Mercury (merchants) was at 03 Aries square a Solar eclipse at 02 Cancer. Transiting Saturn (halt) at 20 Pisces (smuggling) opposed its own position to the Saturn-Uranus at 18 Virgo and square Jupiter-Pluto at 21 Sagittarius.

The command Sun at 28 Pisces joined transiting Uranus at 00 Aries and aspected the Pilgrim Sun at 00 Capricorn and government Midheaven at 00 Libra. Transiting Chiron at 12 Aquarius aspected the Pilgrim T-square of Lilith at 13 Aquarius, Jupiter and Pluto at 11 Taurus, and Venus at 13 Scorpio, where financial Venus had returned as stationary months earlier.

The directive wounded the people financially and damaged the rule of law as perceived abuse. Consider a nation’s vulnerabilities to injury where Chiron is involved.
The Magna Carta had both the North Node and restrictive Saturn emphasized as transiting Saturn at 20 Pisces was conjunct Magna Carta Mars at 19 Pisces with the transiting North Node at 22 Gemini square the Magna Carta Saturn at 22 Virgo. The Sun at 28 Pisces opposed the Magna Carta North Node at 28 Virgo.
Pitt would expand his policy for strict enforcement of the Molasses Act by sending a circular to all governors on August 23, 1760.49 Mercury stationary retrograde at 17 Virgo was conjunct the (restrictive) Saturn-Uranus (change) cycle at 18 Virgo (administrative) and square the Uranus-Neptune at 16 Sagittarius. 

The government Sun at 00 Virgo was conjunct Uranus-Pluto at 28 Leo as Venus at 02 Virgo was square another Pluto power cycle, stoppage Saturn-Pluto at 04 Sagittarius. Transiting Mars of action at 02 Scorpio was square the regulation Jupiter-Neptune smuggling cycle at 05 Leo.

Stationary Mercury was square the transiting North Node at 15 Gemini to aspect the Pilgrim North Node at 16 Sagittarius as the transiting Venus at 02 Virgo was opposed to the Pilgrim Chiron at 01 Pisces and square the public Moon at 02 Sagittarius.

The government goal for control signaled a financial battle with the common people. The fourth house rules those against authority. The Pilgrim Aries fourth house ruler transiting Mars at 02 Scorpio square the explosive Pilgrim Uranus at 01 Leo.
45. J. Bevis and Nicolas Munckley, “An Account of a Comet Seen in May 1759. By J. Bevis,” Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775) 51 (1759): 93-96. Sightings recorded between May 1, 1759 and May 6, 1759.
46. Edmund Morgan, The Birth of the Republic 1763-89, 3rd ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992), 9-11.
47. Charles Adams ed., The Works of John Adams, vol. 10 of The Works of John Adams (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1856), 282-284.
48. Eric Foner and John A. Garraty, eds. The Reader’s Companion to American History, 31; G. S. Kimball, Correspondence of William Pitt (New York: Macmillan, 1906), 320-321.
49. Herbert L. Osgood, “Reviewed Work: Correspondence of William Pitt with Colonial Governors. by Gertrude Selwyn Kimball,” Political Science Quarterly 22, no. 2 (1907): 327.