Lunar Eclipse Moscow Concert Attack — Mundane Astrology

Inspiring Words

Charles Carter said, “if the restoration of public honor to Astrology be his goal, it would seem that this can be attained in no better way than by acquiring the power to foresee correctly the things of national moment”.
The repetition of past patterns indicates what lies ahead.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Lunar Eclipse Moscow Concert Attack

There has been a lot of focus on the upcoming Solar eclipse on April 8th, but it should be noted the recent Lunar eclipse on March 25, 2024, made significant contacts to multiple national charts. (more on transits to nation charts)
The Lunar eclipse at 05 Libra was square the Pilgrim Saturn at 03 Cancer as the transiting emphasized Saturn was square the Pilgrim Ascendant. Both Mars and Chiron of battle were also emphasized. (more on emphasized)
The Greer incident which was used to enter WWII had a Lunar eclipse the next day with an emphasized Saturn and Mars. When President Polk asked Congress for war with Mexico, Chiron was involved. The eclipse sign ruler, Venus was also emphasized as transiting Venus was square the Pilgrim North Node while the transiting Jupiter opposed the Pilgrim Venus. 

Note that Jupiter of government policy was at 15 Taurus 56 and now out of shadow from the retrograde in September of 2023 at 15 Taurus 35. The Paris chart also had Saturn, Mars and the eclipse ruler Venus emphasized. The Lunar eclipse was only three days after a major international incident, always watch for significant events five days before or after an eclipse(making yearly event page)

The Moscow concert attack occurred on March 22, 2024, around 8:00 in the evening.308
The Federal chart was having both Mars and Saturn returning, Saturn was joined with the transiting Venus which ruled the entertainment venue and opposed by Lilith. Venus was emphasized by aspects. Mercury (intelligence) was joined with Chiron to aspect the Federal square of Neptune (spies) and Jupiter (bureaus) as Jupiter was coming out of shadow. News outlets claimed the US knew it was ISIS the same day.

The Paris chart would have the critical Mars at 29 Aquarius in square with the public Moon at 29 Scorpio with the transiting North Node at 15 Aries conjunct the emphasized Paris Mars. The coming Lunar eclipse at 05 Libra would square the Paris Saturn at 05 Capricorn, the transiting Venus and Saturn opposition to transiting Lilith would aspect the government Sun.

Ukase of 1821, when the Russian Emperor declared sovereignty over the Pacific coast was five days after Lunar eclipse at 18 Pisces conjunct Paris North Node transiting Mars opposed Paris Jupiter. Now Mercury was square the international Jupiter as the North Node engaged the Paris Mars. 

The increased profits with war for defense contractors and bankers could be a motivation but exactly thirty days earlier, on February 22, 2024, the US State Department issued a notice of 'nasty surprises' for Russia.309 
The Lunar eclipse at 05 Libra soon to comes would square the Russian Flag fifth house Sun of entertainment at 03 Capricorn. The Moscow concert attack Venus at 13 Pisces (the eclipse ruler), the transiting Saturn at 12 Pisces and transiting vicious Lilith at 13 Virgo aspected the Russian Flag Jupiter at 14 Virgo. Transiting Uranus opposed the emphasized Russian Flag Venus as the transiting emphasized Jupiter was square Neptune.310

These thirty-day notices often show up in the moves toward conflicts. For example, before the war with Mexico President John Tyler appointed the expansionist Abel Upshur as Secretary of State on June 24, 1843, in a move toward annexation of Texas. One month after Upshur's appointment, on July 24, 1843, the Senate confirmed the new Secretary of State. Mexico responded to the message by warning on August 23, 1843, that the annexation of Texas was grounds for war. 

President Polk made a reasonable offer to the British to resolve the unsettled northern border, but the offer was curtly rejected by the British minister on July 29, 1845. President Polk implied their rejection of compromise meant war and the United States would lay claim to the Oregon territory all the way to the Russian border (today’s Alaskan border). The Secretary of State gave the British a note to formally withdraw the earlier compromise offer on the day Jupiter turned retrograde, August 30, 1845.

The battle of Niagra was fought on July 25,1814, during the War of 1812 with Britain in an attempt to gain control over the Great Lakes. Then the British and Canadians burned the Whitehouse and Treasury on August 24,1814. 

On June 8,1900, American and European were massacred by Boxers in China with 6200 troops ordered to China in response on July 8, 1900.

On February 24, 2022, US Treasury announced sanctions against Russia and on March 24, 2022, BlackRock Larry Fink, said on Thursday that the Russia-Ukraine war could end up accelerating digital currencies.311

One could say that it's good to be plainly told the motivation for the push towards world war so there is no misunderstanding. Digital currency allows governments to dictate who and what can be bought and sold, currency (Venus) control (Saturn).  

The Lunar eclipse ruler Venus, Saturn and Lilith aspected the Ukraine chart Jupiter of international policy. Transiting Lilith at 13 Virgo was conjunct the Ukraine Jupiter as the Sun and upcoming Lunar eclipse would square the emphasized Lilith. Lilith in mundane astrology can operate like a feminine version of Pluto with deadly connections. The critical 29 degree Mars was square the Ukraine Mars as Chiron opposed the Moon.
To learn more.


308. Maxim Blinov, "On the ground outside Moscow concert hall attacked by terrorists," Meduza, March 22, 2024,; Steve Holland, "US has intelligence confirming Islamic State responsibility for Russia attack, officials say," Reuters, March 22, 2024,

309. "Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland’s Remarks on the Two-Year Anniversary of Russia’s Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine," U.S Department of State, February 22, 2024,

310. Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, 255-273.

311. "U.S. Treasury Announces Unprecedented & Expansive Sanctions Against Russia, Imposing Swift and Severe Economic Costs," U.S Department of Treasury, February 24, 2022,; "BlackRock's Fink says Russia-Ukraine crisis could accelerate digital currencies," Reuters, March 24, 2022,

312. Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, 326.