Using Transits to Nation Charts — Mundane Astrology

Inspiring Words

Charles Carter said, “if the restoration of public honor to Astrology be his goal, it would seem that this can be attained in no better way than by acquiring the power to foresee correctly the things of national moment”.
The repetition of past patterns indicates what lies ahead.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Using Transits to Nation Charts

Transits to the Paris Treaty Chart
Let us consider a series of past events using transits and keywords from the rulership book by Rex Bills.35 With the Treaty of Paris, the United States gained legal independence from Britain as a sovereign nation in 1783.36

On April 12, 1801, a Solar eclipse at 22 Aries was square the Paris Jupiter of international commerce at 22 Capricorn and in opposition to the Paris financial Venus at 24 Libra. The eclipse underlined the planets of Jupiter and Venus to be watched.

Weeks later, on May 5, 1801, Venus became stationary retrograde at 13 Gemini. 

On May 7, 1801, Mercury reached the degree of the Solar eclipse, 22 Aries.

Days later, on the evening of May 11, 1801, the United States was warned of impending war with Tripoli after refusing to pay more for protection from pirates.37 

Transiting Neptune (extortion from pirates) at 17 Scorpio of insurance and transiting Saturn (debt) at 17 Leo 34 were in square to aspect the Paris Midheaven (government) at 17 Leo 28. 

Slow moving Neptune would aspect a point for a long period. When a faster planet or point becomes engaged with the outer planet, matters are then focused, like using a magnifying glass to focus sunlight on a leaf.

Saturn had been sitting at 17 Leo for almost two months in square with Neptune at 17 Scorpio. The Sun (ruler issued command) at 20 Taurus had brought focus to the transiting square of Neptune and Saturn before coming to conjunct the Paris Chiron at 20 Taurus with the threat of war.

The Paris Sun aspected by the Venus transit as the Sun aspected Chiron brought emphasis to the Sun. The Sun was emphasized.

Emphasized planets underline the focus, what is of note. In this case, the Sun leader in Tripoli issued his warning of war on conjunction with Chiron of battle. The Solar eclipse on the Paris chart indicated issues of international commerce and finance. The leader plainly stated he wanted more (Jupiter) money (Venus)

Transiting Mercury at 28 Aries square transiting Jupiter (underlined by eclipse) at 28 Cancer brought matters to a head as transiting Mars at 15 Cancer square the Paris Mars at 14 Aries signaled conflict.

Transiting North Node at 08 Aries square the transiting Lilith at 09 Cancer of the timed chart aspected the Paris Neptune at 08 Libra to signify betrayal of the earlier agreement.
Transits to the Constitution Astrology Chart
The Constitution chart to the Tripoli warning and the Congressional response, show the development of events.38 

On February 6, 1802, Congress authorized finances to arm merchant ships with Venus at 07 Aquarius on the Constitution Ascendant of 08 Aquarius as the transiting Chiron at 19 Sagittarius was square the emphasized Constitution Venus at 16 Virgo.39

The warning had Venus at 12 Gemini conjunct the Constitution Chiron at 13 Gemini had exposed the vulnerability to defend their (Gemini) merchants.

The warning Chiron at 07 Sagittarius 04 (water voyages) would be near perfect to conjunct the Constitution Moon at 07 Sagittarius 10, both Venus and Chiron were emphasized in a battle over money.

Mars of action on the Congress response was at 15 Capricorn 45 in opposition to the Tripoli warning Mars at 15 Cancer 46 in sharp contrast.

The response had the transiting Sun at 17 Aquarius in opposition to the warning Saturn (debt) at 17 Leo and square Neptune (pirates/bribe) at 17 Scorpio. Transits to the Paris Treaty and Constitution charts as significant moments in history were able to give different insights in a developing series of events. 

There are several things that were able to be gleaned from an examination of these two related events. 
  • Events came to a head with close degrees in conjunction, opposition or square to foundational charts or related event charts.
  • The eclipse, stationary Venus and emphasis show where to focus the attention.
  • The birth charts of the principal players were not required to analyze the event. 

35. Rex E. Bills, The Rulership Book (Tempe, AZ: American Federation of Astrologers, 1993).
36. Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes (Bournemouth, England: Wessex Astrologer, 2004), 370. September 3, 1783, Paris, FR at 10:30 am.
37. Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger, Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates (New York: Sentinel 2015), 52. Warning at 6:00 pm Tripoli, LY.
38. Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, 372. September 17, 1787, Philadelphia, PA at 4:00 pm.
39. Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger, Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates, 93.