Bacon's Rebellion - Uranus in Aries — Mundane Astrology

Inspiring Words

Charles Carter said, “if the restoration of public honor to Astrology be his goal, it would seem that this can be attained in no better way than by acquiring the power to foresee correctly the things of national moment”.
The repetition of past patterns indicates what lies ahead.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Bacon's Rebellion - Uranus in Aries

After the 1650 Uranus-Neptune conjunction to the North Node of the Pilgrim chart, Uranus would make its Aries ingress in 1675, which coincided with the appearance of a comet. 

The following year, Nathaniel Bacon led a rebellion of slaves, small property holders, and indentured servants, against the corrupt governor and his wealthy supporters in control. The governor had not protected the people, instead he allowed his cronies to engage in profitable commerce with the natives' exchanging guns for furs.

Bacon led three hundred of his allies against the tribes in retaliation to the natives’ raiding members of the community. He did this without the permission of the governor at the end of April in 1676. Mercury became retrograde at 02 Aries square the Jupiter-Pluto cycle at 00 Cancer in mid-April. See more about making (making yearly event page) of cycle conjunctions, eclipses and station points.

The governor declared Bacon a rebel on May 10, 1676.42 Consider the aspects that day with mundane keywords to the cycles at the time.

The (leader) Sun at 20 Taurus square the (policy) Jupiter-Uranus (rebel) cycle at 20 Aquarius.

Jupiter (proclamation) had become stationary retrograde the day before at 22 Capricorn to square the (radical) Uranus-Pluto (transformation) cycle at 20 Aries and conjunct the (debt) Saturn-Neptune (slavery) at 21 Capricorn.

The common people had been denied fair payment for their crops and driven to destitution. The Saturn-Neptune cycle has been noted in uprisings of frustrated (Saturn), hopeless (Neptune) people, which the stationary Jupiter conjunction magnified.43

Transiting Mars at 29 Pisces 53 sparked the revolt of transiting Uranus at 02 Aries in square with the transiting financial Venus at a critical 00 Cancer 04 (crop growers) which aspected the policy Jupiter-Pluto corruption at 00 Cancer 55 and a Solar eclipse at 01 Cancer.

The stationary Jupiter, critical Mars and Venus aspected Pluto involved cycles.

On the Pilgrim chart, the slow-moving transiting Uranus at 02 Aries was focused and ignited by the transiting square of Mars at 29 Pisces and transiting Venus at 00 Cancer.

The transiting group would aspect the Pilgrim Sun of the government leaders at 00 Capricorn, the Pilgrim Saturn of the established at 03 Cancer, and the Midheaven at 00 Libra.

Neptune stationary at 14 Aquarius traveled in square with the transiting Saturn at 15 Taurus to aspect the Pilgrim Venus at 13 Scorpio and Lilith at 13 Aquarius to foster financial resentments.

With both the Pilgrim Saturn and the transiting Saturn engaged, Saturn energy was emphasized. (emphasized planets

Stationary Neptune paired with Saturn reinforced the theme of the Saturn-Neptune cycle of frustrated hopelessness.

Transiting Venus at 00 Cancer was a return of the Magna Carta Venus at 00 Cancer, this reiterated the financial motivation of the revolt, with transiting Mars at 29 Pisces opposed to the Magna Carta Uranus at 00 Libra.

Transiting Uranus at 02 Aries 42 was emphasized as it opposed the Ascendant at 02 Libra 13. Stationary Jupiter at 22 Capricorn was square the Magna Carta Neptune of slavery at 21 Aries as Bacon led former indentured servants and slaves to rebel. The transits to the cycles and foundational charts each confirmed revolt in financial frustration and hopelessness.

On July 30,1676, Bacon issued a “Declaration of the People” in which he listed complaints against the governor of unjust taxation, judicial corruption, personal enrichment, and failing to protect the people.

Transiting Jupiter at 15 Capricorn had returned to the Jupiter-Neptune cycle at 15 Capricorn after twelve years and brought focus to judicial ideals highlighted by a Lunar eclipse at 14 Capricorn.

Declaration Mercury was at 17 Leo square the Jupiter-Uranus of change at 20 Aquarius with Venus at 18 Virgo to square the Uranus-Neptune cycle at 16 Sagittarius.
Bacon’s army marched on Jamestown, when he could not hold the town, he set it ablaze on September 19, 1676, as Jupiter changed direction to stationary direct at 12 Capricorn and Saturn was stationary retrograde at 25 Taurus.44

The transiting square of fiery Mars at 28 Gemini and transiting Mercury at 29 Virgo changed to initiate (Mars) the extensive Jupiter-Pluto destruction cycle at 00 Cancer. The Sun at 27 Virgo was square a Solar eclipse at 24 Sagittarius. Transiting Venus at 11 Virgo opposed the Saturn-Uranus cycle at 10 Pisces as Saturn was stationary.

There was a double whammy of fiery Mars and the North Node on the Magna Carta. Mars at 28 Gemini aspected the Magna Carta Sun and Venus at 00 Cancer, Uranus at 00 Libra and the North Node at 28 Virgo as the transiting North Node at 17 Sagittarius was square the Magna Carta Mars at 19 Pisces.

The rebellion was quashed rather quickly after he became ill and died on October 26, 1676. Neptune was stationary direct at 11 Aquarius as transiting Jupiter at 16 Capricorn had returned to the Jupiter-Neptune cycle at 15 Capricorn for the last time. 
To learn more.

42. Mary Newton Stanard, The Story of Bacon’s Rebellion (New York: Neal Publishing Company, 1907) 13, 51.
43. Andre Barbault, Planetary Cycles Mundane Astrology, 85.
44. Paul Boyer editor, The Oxford Companion to United States History, 59.