Texas Land and the Alamo — Mundane Astrology

Inspiring Words

Charles Carter said, “if the restoration of public honor to Astrology be his goal, it would seem that this can be attained in no better way than by acquiring the power to foresee correctly the things of national moment”.
The repetition of past patterns indicates what lies ahead.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Texas Land and the Alamo

 Texas Tensions

The southern border came into focus as Mexico made a new law on March 24, 1825, that offered large land grants in sparsely populated Texas to strengthen their economy.85 New people flooded in until there were many times more Americans than Mexicans in Texas.

Jupiter was stationary direct at 03 Leo, an eighty-three-year stationary return to a failed British plan to take Panama in 1742 that had to be abandoned.86 In a similar vein, Mexico would come to regret this law as the Americans brought independent ideas. (note the repeating themes, the echo from the past.) (more on stationary returns)

There was a conjunction of the Sun at 03 Aries, Pluto at 02 Aries and Mercury at 01 Aries, which were square the Uranus-Neptune cycle at 03 Capricorn. The Sun was square an earlier Solar eclipse at 05 CancerTransiting Mars of pioneers at 19 Aries was square the volatile transiting Uranus at 19 Capricorn of land to aspect an earlier Lunar eclipse at 18 Capricorn. (more on keywords)
The Sun at 03 Aries, Pluto at 02 Aries and Mercury at 01 Aries were square the Constitution North Node at 01 Capricorn and the Constitution Mars at 03 Cancer. Transiting Mars at 19 Aries square the transiting Uranus at 19 Capricorn aspected the Constitution Neptune at 17 Libra. 

Both Britain and France wanted Texas to be a buffer against the enlargement of America. There were concerns that Britain would attempt to reconquer America through Texas intrigues. To counter the monarchies threat, Americans looked at Texas annexation yet the polarized views on slavery kept the issue contentious.87

A new Jupiter-Pluto cycle at 11 Aries formed on March 30, 1833. The cycle was noteworthy as Texas delegates met two days later at San Felipe to take the Aries initiative with the power of law to write a constitution for their own territory as a separate state of Mexico, on April 1-13, 1833.88 
The Sun, Jupiter and Pluto were all square the Paris Uranus at 11 Cancer as the emphasized transiting Uranus at 21 Aquarius was square Chiron at 20 Taurus to signal conflict. (more on emphasized planets

The Texas Convention began with the Sun joining the new Jupiter-Pluto cycle at 11 Aries. Mars at 26 Gemini was square another Pluto cycle, Saturn-Pluto at 27 Pisces. Mercury stationary at 29 Aries was square the last Solar eclipse at 00 Aquarius.

Mercury was a seventy-nine-year stationary return to March 31, 1754. Lieutenant Washington received orders to aid in building forts to hold territory against the French, also a theme of territory.89

On April 23, 1784, The Ordinance of 1784 was passed at Annapolis, Maryland as a framework for territories to become states.90 The Ordinance of 1784 and the Texas Convention both had Mars at 26 Gemini and Chiron at 18 Taurus in simultaneous returns of both Mars and Chiron for two events that involved the legalities on the establishment of territories.

Three years later, Texas declared independence from Mexico on March 2, 1836, at 9:30 in the morning.91 Jupiter was stationary direct the day before at 05 Cancer 51, within minutes of the Jupiter in the Declaration chart as the Sun was square the Declaration Ascendant and the last Lunar eclipse.
Mercury stationary at 23 Aquarius, was a forty-six-year stationary return to the passing of the Census Act on March 1, 1790. The census was for representation according to population, Texans wanted to represent themselves separate from Mexico.

The defeat of the Alamo was four days later on March 6, 1836, the day Mercury became stationary.92 

It was a sixty-six-year stationary return (33x2) of the Boston Massacre, repeating an event of multiple deaths. Mercury had stationed in March of 1770 at 27 Aquarius on the Boston Massacre. Thirty-three years later the stationary Mercury in March of 1803 was at 25 Aquarius as Napoleon Bonaparte abruptly changed his plan to occupy the Louisiana territory for France after a loss of men.93  (making yearly event page)
Passionate Venus at 21 Aries aspected Jupiter-Neptune at 21 Capricorn, Jupiter-Saturn at 24 Aries, and Saturn-Uranus at 23 Libra. Mars at 27 Aquarius was square a recent Solar eclipse at 27 Scorpio and in opposition to the Uranus-Pluto cycle at 28 Leo on the death of many Americans at the Alamo. Jupiter opposed Uranus-Neptune at 03 Capricorn as three Uranus cycles were aspected.

The Sun at 16 Pisces conjunct the Federal Sun and square the battling Federal Chiron at 15 Gemini. Transiting Mars conjunct Mars ignited the passions. The stationary Mercury was conjunct the Federal Venus and fellow Americans would later rally to 'Remember the Alamo' in a war cry.


85. Charles Van Doren and Robert McHenry, Webster’s Guide to American History, 132.

86. J. C. M. Ogelsby, “The British and Panama – 1742,” Caribbean Studies 3, no. 2, (1963): 71-79.

87. Charles Van Doren and Robert McHenry, Webster’s Guide to American History, 172.

88. Charles Van Doren and Robert McHenry, Webster’s Guide to American History, 150.

89. John C. Fitzpatrick, ed. The Diaries of George Washington, 1748-1799 Volume 1, (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1925) 73.

90. Charles Van Doren and Robert McHenry, Webster’s Guide to American History, 72.

91. R. Henderson Shuffler, “The Signing of Texas Declaration of Independence: Myth and Record,” The Southwestern Historical Quarterly 65, no. 3 (1962): 329. Cited 9:30 am in Washington, TX.

92. Charles Van Doren and Robert McHenry, Webster’s Guide to American History, 155.

93. Henry Adams, History of The United States During The First Administration of Thomas Jefferson 1801-1805, Vol. II (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1891), 16-18. Change in correspondence noted March 10, 1803.