Propaganda War Made Legal — Mundane Astrology

Inspiring Words

Charles Carter said, “if the restoration of public honor to Astrology be his goal, it would seem that this can be attained in no better way than by acquiring the power to foresee correctly the things of national moment”.
The repetition of past patterns indicates what lies ahead.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Propaganda War Made Legal

 Uranus Aries Ingress
Uranus moved into Aries in May of 2010 with Pluto in the sign of Capricorn. The oppression of Pluto in Capricorn erupted into rebellion against the iron-fisted control of the monarchy during the colonial period.

This period would repeat similar themes, the powerful versus common people, judicial tyranny, border issues, political polarization and violent protests. The upper echelon of the corporate, political, and military class in this rendition of Pluto in Capricorn would exhibit a lust for domination and control over vast populations. (Uranus ingress 1759) (Uranus ingress 1843) (Uranus ingress 1927)

On June 8, 2010, a new Jupiter-Uranus cycle formed
 in the first decan at the critical degree of 00 Aries 18. In each of the Uranus Aries periods, the Jupiter-Uranus cycle aspected either the Saturn-Uranus or the Uranus-Neptune cycle by less than a degree. This Jupiter-Uranus would aspect the Saturn-Uranus cycle in a repeat of the colonial period. Jupiter-Uranus 1762   Jupiter-Uranus 1845   Jupiter-Uranus 1927
Media Narrative Control
On September 9, 2011, President Obama issued Executive Order 13584 to counter violent extremists and terrorism.251 The Executive Order established within the State Department a Steering Committee of representatives from DOD, DOJ, DHS, Treasury, NCTC, joint Chiefs of Staffs, CIA, and the Broadcast Board of Governors. 

These communication operations were to “nudge people into a different path; help them question their assumptions; and contribute to an environment in which terrorist violence is not considered a viable, acceptable, or effective option.”252

Stationary Jupiter retrograde was a stationary return to when 15 nations signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact on August 27, 1928, in an idealistic attempt to end war which did nothing to stop World War II. (more on stationary returns

Stationary Jupiter retrograde was also a stationary return to when the British were given a formal note to withdraw the earlier peace offer on the Oregon border, a notice of war.
Jupiter and Pluto stationary together would put the full force of government behind the Executive Order. Stationary Jupiter at 10 Taurus was a return to the Pilgrim Jupiter and Pluto at 11 Taurus with a simultaneous return of Chiron at 02 Pisces to the Pilgrim Chiron at 01 Pisces in the third house. A war on communication. 
(more on keywords)

Transiting Mercury of communication at 00 Virgo brought focus as it opposed transiting Neptune of propaganda at 29 Aquarius and Chiron to aspect the Pilgrim Moon at 02 Sagittarius. Transiting Saturn at 16 Libra aspected the Pilgrim Mars at 16 Libra and the emphasized Pilgrim Mercury of messaging at 16 Capricorn to quell dissension. (more on emphasized planets)

On January 2, 2013, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act tucked inside at section 1078.253 The original law from January 27, 1948, allowed the State Department to oversee information communicated to foreigners to compete with the propaganda from the Soviet Union and Communists, but was not allowed to direct propaganda towards Americans.

The ‘Modernization’ would enable government produced media to be directed towards Americans through major media outlets and the tech giants.254 

The State Department and or the Broadcasting Board of Governors would be able to disseminate controlled narratives and legally propagandize the domestic public through the press, films, social media, or the Internet, with any dissent countered by the government.

The radical change in a country founded on the idea of free speech occurred as transiting Mercury at 03 Capricorn was square transiting Uranus at 04 Aries to aspect the Declaration Venus of funding at 03 Cancer and Jupiter of law at 05 Cancer. (more on outer planet engagement)

Transiting Venus at 21 Sagittarius aspected the Declaration Mars at 21 Gemini and Neptune at 22 Virgo. Transiting Jupiter at 07 Gemini was conjunct the Declaration Uranus at 08 Gemini as the transiting Mars at 06 Aquarius opposed the Declaration North Node at 06 Leo. Venus, Mars and Uranus were emphasized(more on transits to nation charts)
Months later, on June 6, 2013, Edward Snowden revealed that the National Security Agency was obtaining millions of phone records on a daily basis by a top-secret court order which he saw as “an existential threat to democracy”.

The unlimited bulk collection by the NSA and the FBI of both domestic calls and of calls between the United States and other countries traced back to the Patriot Act. Two Democrat Senators on the Senate Intelligence Committee warned of ‘the Obama administration’s extreme interpretation of the law to engage in excessive domestic surveillance’.255

The stationary Neptune of surveillance at 05 Pisces and transiting Mars at 04 Gemini were in square to aspect the Federal Moon of the people at 04 Gemini that discovered they had been secretly violated. 

Transiting Chiron at 13 Pisces was conjunct the Federal Sun at 14 Pisces as the Sun at 16 Gemini was conjunct the Federal Chiron at 15 Gemini in a double whammy, the (Sun) government was at war (Chiron) with the people. News of the espionage upset not just Americans, but also other governments demanded explanations.256

Transiting Mercury and Uranus had been engaged in aspect when President Obama signed the NDAA making 'legal' for the government to spread propaganda to the people. Now we see Pluto, Uranus and Mercury in a transiting T-square to aspect the Paris Uranus at 11 Cancer on this event. Transiting Saturn at 05 Scorpio 36 square the Paris Lilith at 05 Leo 30 took on a more sinister tone.

Neptune became stationary retrograde on the day of Snowden’s revelations at 05 Pisces as the
 transiting T-square of Mercury at 09 Cancer, Uranus at 11 Aries and Pluto at 10 Capricorn aspected government Saturn-Neptune surveillance at 11 Capricorn.

The transiting Mars at 04 Gemini opposed a Lunar eclipse at 04 Sagittarius two weeks earlier.  The Sun at 16 Gemini was square Uranus-Pluto at 17 Virgo as Jupiter at 25 Gemini aspected another Pluto cycle to emphasize power, Jupiter-Pluto at 28 Sagittarius. (making yearly event page)
WikiLeaks Exposes TPP
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama had actively promoted the TPP trade negotiations. With the WikiLeaks release on November 13, 2013, the public discovered the TPP agreement would institute a transnational legal and enforcement regime.257

Under the regime, TPP members would have their existing laws on environmental protection, medicine and food safety, financial regulations, internet services and individual rights modified or replaced to be in compliance with the empowered corporations.

The section on policing and enforcement revealed that the corporations, global banks, agribusiness, pharmaceutical giants, as investor-states would have equal standing to each country before an international tribunal of corporate lawyers. The ‘investor-states’ could sue if laws interfered with the corporations' expected profits with the taxpayers of the country made liable.258 The tribunals sounded reminiscent of the admiralty courts from the colonial period.

The WikiLeaks release was three weeks after the first Aries eclipse, a Lunar eclipse at 25 Aries which opposed the oppressive Saturn-Pluto totalitarian at 27 Libra. Neptune of secrets became stationary direct on the same day of the WikiLeaks release whereas the Snowden exposure had been the day Neptune turned retrograde. Neptune, Mercury and Jupiter were all in stationary orb, the same stationary grouping that occurred on the writs ruling in the colonial period.

The stationary Jupiter was a return to the Caldwell Bank collapse on November 7, 1930, and the peace negotiations to end the war with Mexico in 1847, events that connect themes of financial ruin and negotiation for surrender to the TPP.

Transits to Cycles and Eclipses on November 13, 2013.
  • Stationary Mercury 03 Scorpio 12 conjunct Lunar eclipse 05 Scorpio 46 orb 2.34.
  • Jupiter 20 Cancer 26 opposition Uranus-Neptune 19 Capricorn 34 orb 0.52.
  • Mars at 16 Virgo 58 conjunct Uranus-Pluto 17 Virgo 10 orb 0.12.
  • Sun at 21 Scorpio 29 opposition Jupiter-Saturn 22 Taurus 43 orb 1.14. 
  • Sun at 21 Scorpio 29 conjunct Solar eclipse 21 Scorpio 57 orb 0.28.

Transits to Federal Chart on November 13, 2013.
  • Stationary Mercury at 03 Scorpio 12 square Uranus 01 Leo 16 orb 1.56.
  • Stationary Jupiter at 20 Cancer 31 conjunct Jupiter 19 Cancer 58 orb 0.28.
  • Stationary Jupiter at 20 Cancer 31 square Neptune 22 Libra 53 orb 2.27.
  • Stationary Neptune at 02 Pisces 34 square Moon 04 Gemini 55 orb 2.20.
  • Stationary Neptune at 02 Pisces 34 square North Node 01 Sagittarius 55 orb 0.40.
  • Sun at 21 Scorpio 29 square Venus 21 Aquarius 31 orb 0.02.
  • Mars 16 Virgo 58 square Chiron 15 Gemini 24 orb 1.34.
  • Mars 16 Virgo 58 opposition Lilith 18 Pisces 05 orb 1.07.
  • Chiron 09 Pisces 08 opposition Midheaven 10 Virgo 54 orb 1.46.
The stationary planets brought a stillness that focused attention on the corporate powers planned servitude of the populace as stationary Neptune was square both the Moon and North Node. The Mars square to Chiron and opposition to Lilith would stimulate protests as the emphasized Chiron opposition to the Midheaven brought awareness of an enemy.

The stationary Jupiter return to the Federal Jupiter was similar to when King George III ascended in a change of power on a Jupiter return.

To learn more.


251. The White House, “Executive Order 13584 – Developing an Integrated Strategic Counterterrorism Communications Initiative,” September 9, 2011,

252. Matthew Levitt ed., “Finding a Balance U.S. Security Interests and the Arab Awakening,” The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, May 2012, 17,

253. “National Defense Authorization Act,” 112th Congress Public Law 239,

254. Lee Fang, “How Twitter Quietly Aided the Pentagon’s Covert Online PsyOp Campaign,” December 20, 2022,

255. Glenn Greenwald, “NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon customers daily,” The Guardian, June 6, 2013,

256. BBC, “Edward Snowden: Timeline,” August 20, 2013,
257. “Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) IP Chapter,” WikiLeaks, accessed October 13, 2020,

258. Binoy Kampmark, “Radical Transparency in Geopolitical Economy: WikiLeaks, Secret Diplomacy and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement,” Journal of Global Faultlines, 3, no. 1 (2016): 1-11.