Sabre Rattling on Boundaries — Mundane Astrology

Inspiring Words

Charles Carter said, “if the restoration of public honor to Astrology be his goal, it would seem that this can be attained in no better way than by acquiring the power to foresee correctly the things of national moment”.
The repetition of past patterns indicates what lies ahead.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Sabre Rattling on Boundaries

British Refuse Peace
The Oregon settlers had set up their government in 1843 as both Mars and Uranus were stationary. (action and change) A new Jupiter-Pluto cycle formed in May of 1845 at 23 Aries 57 in opposition to the Saturn-Uranus at 23 Libra 22. President Polk had openly stated that the United States held “clear and unquestionable” title to Oregon and yet on July 12, 1845, made a reasonable offer to the British to resolve the unsettled border with Mars and Uranus once again stationary.104 (more on stationary orbs
Stationary Mars at 00 Pisces was square the Paris Moon at 29 Scorpio. Transiting Venus at 05 Leo and transiting Jupiter at 07 Taurus aspected the Paris Lilith at 05 Leo and the Ascendant at 06 Scorpio held little chance of ending the border dispute. The Sun at 20 Cancer opposed an emphasized Jupiter at 22 Capricorn. Saturn of boundaries at 17 Aquarius 29 was in a near perfect opposition to the Midheaven at 17 Leo 28. (more on emphasized planets
Stationary Mars at 00 Pisces aspected Uranus-Pluto at 28 Leo and the last Lunar eclipse at 00 Sagittarius as stationary Uranus at 10 Aries was square Jupiter-Saturn at 08 Capricorn. Saturn at 17 Aquarius was square the last Solar eclipse at 15 Taurus. 

Mars was a seventy-nine-year stationary return to when the King met with Pitt in a failed belated attempt to deal with the colonies.105 (more on stationary returns)  (making yearly event page)
The offer was curtly rejected by the British minister on July 29, 1845, and not even forwarded to England to consider, with both Pluto and Mars stationary. The dismissal of a good faith offer had irritated President Polk, which was discernable from his inauguration chart.

Some may think that the presidential inauguration occurs at the stroke of noon but that is not always the case. Inauguration times must be adjusted to fulfill the requirement of noon adjournment, meaning the doorkeeper would keep setting the clock back as needed. When the inauguration was ready to proceed, the doorkeeper would announce that it was noon, no matter what time it truly was.

Newspaper reports with the actual inauguration time noted reveal the discrepancy. By multiple accounts, President Polk took the oath on March 4, 1845, at 12:24 pm.106
The Polk inauguration had Mercury at 28 Aquarius square the North Node at 28 Scorpio, the British rejection had Mars at 29 Aquarius and Mercury at 28 Leo. Transiting Venus at 26 Leo opposed the inauguration Venus at 25 Aquarius with transiting Neptune at 25 Aquarius, there would be no further overtures of peace.
Sabre Rattling
President Polk decided to keep the British in the dark, he implied their rejection of compromise meant war and the United States would lay claim to Oregon all the way to the Russian border (today’s Alaskan border).107 

The Secretary of State gave the British a note to formally withdraw the earlier compromise offer on the day Jupiter turned retrograde, August 30, 1845, with Mercury stationary retrograde the day before. The excessive bravado of stationary Jupiter that day released unintended consequences for both borders as the United States would learn that Mexico was finally willing to discuss Texas.108 
Venus of peace at 05 Libra was square the Paris Saturn of borders at 05 Capricorn as Mars at 22 Aquarius was square the Paris Chiron of battle at 20 Taurus. Stationary Jupiter was square Paris Pluto at 08 Aquarius.
Stationary Mercury was a thirty-three-year stationary return to another conflict with Captain Zachary Taylor defending Fort Harrison during the War of 1812.109

Stationary Mercury at 27 Virgo made a deep impression opposed to the Saturn-Pluto cycle at 27 Pisces and had the British unsure of Polk’s next move with Saturn of boundaries and Pluto of war, in undefined Pisces. The Sun at 07 Virgo was square the Saturn-Neptune at 06 Sagittarius as Mars at 22 Aquarius was conjunct another Neptune cycle, Jupiter-Neptune at 20 Aquarius. Venus at 05 Libra aspected both Uranus-Neptune at 03 Capricorn and Jupiter-Uranus at 03 Aries. The multiple aspects to Neptune involved cycles shrouded the issue in mystery.

President Polk maintained a hard Saturn line of diplomatic silence on his Oregon intentions until December 13, 1845, with Mercury, Jupiter, and Uranus stationary. A dispatch was sent to the British that any compromise they offered would be judged by the president and if justified it would be submitted to the Senate for their decision, as a matter of war or peace.110
The war or peace dispatch had Venus at 08 Aquarius conjunct the Constitution Ascendant of 08 Aquarius with Mars 24 Pisces 54 in opposition to the Sun at 24 Virgo 50, which well depicted the choice of peace or war.

Saturn of boundaries was emphasized in the conjunction to Pluto with vague Neptune conjunct Constitution Saturn.
Boundaries to Defend
A newspaper editorial on the Texas annexation by John O’Sullivan on December 27, 1845, coined the phrase ‘Manifest Destiny’.111 The dictionary defined manifest as ‘that which is plain’, both destiny and the phrase are ruled by Saturn.
The Sun and Mercury were both at 05 Capricorn with Chiron at 05 Libra and stationary Uranus at 06 Aries in a transiting T-square that aspected the Paris Saturn of boundaries at 05 Capricorn to electrify the phrase

The emphasized Saturn at 16 Aquarius opposed the Midheaven at 17 Leo to crystalize the idea. Jupiter was stationary as the phrase became a sacred mission to expand the United States from sea to sea, not just as a right but as a duty.

Transiting Sun and Mercury both at 05 Capricorn, Chiron at 05 Libra, and Mars at 03 Aries aspected Jupiter-Uranus at 03 Aries and square Uranus-Neptune at 03 Capricorn. Transiting Venus at 23 Aquarius was conjunct Jupiter-Neptune at 20 Aquarius and square the recent Lunar eclipse at 21 Taurus. Stationary Uranus was square Jupiter-Saturn at 08 Capricorn.

President Polk signed the bill accepting Texas as a State on December 29, 1845, with Jupiter stationary at 00 Taurus and Pluto stationary
.112 Days later, a new Mexican President took office who expected war between the United States and Britain.

On January 4, 1846, Mexico asserted claim to most of Texas as Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto were stationary direct.113 Mars and Uranus were on the Ascendant as the stationary Jupiter was square the emphasized Mexico Mars to amplify up aggression. Transiting Chiron at 05 Libra and transiting Uranus at 06 Aries aspected the Mexico Sun at 05 Libra and Mexico Chiron at 04 Aries. The stationary Mercury was conjunct the emphasized Mexico Uranus. 
This was connected to the blustery Oregon border rhetoric when Jupiter had been stationary retrograde square the Constitution Ascendant. Jupiter changed direction at 00 Taurus square the Constitution Uranus at 29 Cancer and brought unexpected consequences.
When the Oregon offer was withdrawn, Mercury was stationary retrograde at 27 Virgo in opposition to the Saturn-Pluto cycle at 27 Pisces. The Mexican claim on Texas had Mercury stationary direct at 27 Sagittarius in square to the Saturn-Pluto cycle as Pluto was stationary. Mars at 08 Aries was square the Jupiter-Saturn at 08 Capricorn as Jupiter was stationary. Venus at 00 Pisces was square a Lunar eclipse at 00 Sagittarius. Nine days later, on January 13, 1846, General Zachary Taylor was ordered to the Rio Grande.114

General Taylor reached the Rio Grande and raised a flag on March 28, 1846.115 Venus was stationary at 04 Pisces square the Saturn-Neptune at 06 Sagittarius. The Sun at 07 Aries was square Jupiter-Saturn at 08 Capricorn. Transiting Mercury at 26 Aries aspected Jupiter-Pluto at 23 Aries and Saturn-Uranus at 23 Libra. Saturn at 26 Aquarius opposed Uranus-Pluto at 28 Leo. Transiting Mars at 01 Gemini opposed a Lunar eclipse at 00 Sagittarius.
When Venus was stationary eight years earlier, the Republic of Texas and the United States were negotiating a treaty that was signed in April 1838.

To learn more.

104. Stuart Anderson, “British Threats and the Settlement of the Oregon Boundary Dispute,” Pacific Northwest Quarterly 66, no. 4 (1975): 154.

105. Lewis Melville, Farmer George, (London: Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, Ltd, 1907) 26, 46.

106. Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, “Vice President’s Swearing-In Ceremony,” Inaugural Ceremonies, accessed July 20, 2020,; “Morse’s Telegraph,” American Republican Baltimore Daily Clipper, March 5, 1845, 4; Richmond Enquirer, March 7, 1845, 2.

107. R. L. Schuyler, “Polk and the Oregon Compromise of 1846,” Political Science Quarterly 26, no. 3 (1911): 450.

108. Charles Van Doren and Robert McHenry, Webster’s Guide to American History, 178.

109. Oliver Otis Howard, General Taylor, (New York: Appleton and Company, 1892), 32-39.

110. R. L. Schuyler, “Polk and the Oregon Compromise of 1846,” 453; Hunter Miller ed., Treaties and other International Acts of the United States of America Volume 5, (Washington, DC: GPO, 1937), 54.

111. Charles Van Doren and Robert McHenry, Webster’s Guide to American History, 178-179; New York Morning News, December 27, 1845.

112. Eric Foner and John A. Garraty, eds. The Reader’s Companion to American History, 1025.

113. Charles Van Doren and Robert McHenry, Webster’s Guide to American History, 180; 
 Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, 211. Mexico Independence September 28, 1821, 6:00 pm LMT Mexico City, MEX.

114. Paul Boyer, editor, The Oxford Companion to United States History, 497.

115. Ruth Tenzer Feldman, The Mexican-American War Chronicle of America’s Wars Series (Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Company, 2004), 18.