Chiron Perfectly Joined Solar Eclipse — Mundane Astrology

Inspiring Words

Charles Carter said, “if the restoration of public honor to Astrology be his goal, it would seem that this can be attained in no better way than by acquiring the power to foresee correctly the things of national moment”.
The repetition of past patterns indicates what lies ahead.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Chiron Perfectly Joined Solar Eclipse

The coming Solar eclipse has been getting a great deal of focus as it takes place near a solar maximum and the green devil comet. On this eclipse both Cern and NASA will be engaging in experiments as well.1

Set for DC the eclipse is at 19 Aries 24 with Chiron at the same degree to the minute. Recall that Chiron trained warriors and was injured in battle. (Chiron Keywords

Consider that when President Obama handed the FDA over to the GMO giant Monsanto Vice President Michael Taylor on a Lunar eclipse as Chiron was joined with Jupiter (giant) and Neptune (chemicals). Chiron involvements are often an alert to battle and this one is in the sign of Aries as the ruler Mars is joined with Saturn for dominant control. (making yearly event page)
The eclipse will square the Uranus-Neptune cycle at 19 Capricorn. Venus at 04 Aries opposed the recent Lunar eclipse at 05 Libra which brings up the terrorist attack in Moscow. There was a transit of the Sun (not an eclipse) square the Uranus-Neptune cycle on writs veto which left the colonists with no legal recourse to stop the intrusive warrants

The Sun was square the cycle on the Boston massacre and the Sun was square when Mexico gave away land in Texas till there were more Americans than Mexicans. Chiron was square the Uranus-Neptune cycle when troops arrived in Boston to enforce custom duties.

If these events are echoed by the eclipse in aspect to the Uranus-Neptune cycle, then the upcoming period could see the mass surveillance either challenged or become greatly increased like in the case of martial law. 

Mexico eventually lost Texas as the Americans brought their independent ideas and they were not compliant peasants Now America has the reverse as immigrants come from around the world to live for the 'free' healthcare, welfare money, food stamps and housing. Criminal gangs turning cities into dangerous places.3

The 1986 Solar eclipse at 19 Aries had a prominent transiting Chiron opposing the Declaration Ascendant as the eclipse was conjunct the Declaration Chiron with Mars and Jupiter emphasized. (more on emphasized planets) Five days later at 7 pm President Reagan ordered air strikes in Libya response to the bombing in West Berlin.(watch five days either side of an eclipse for important events)
The Declaration Chiron will have a return as the eclipse occurs as the eclipse ruler Mars and Saturn are square the Declaration Ascendant with Mercury square Mercury. Yet another ship 'lost power' and on April 5, 2024, the FISC granted a DOJ request to extend FISA until April 2025 in case it should it expire in Congress. (more on transits to nation charts)

Dates to watch are when Mercury returns to the eclipse degree on the April 16, Venus comes to eclipse degree on April 20 with the new Jupiter-Uranus cycle. Watch for major events particularly in the first three weeks of a new cycle. 
This cycle in the sign of Taurus so likely we will see currency issues in Jupiter banking Uranus changes. The Federal Reserve may not be able to pretend all is fine long enough to implement CBDC control money as that may take time to transition. With the Mars Chiron double whammy the bankers may require a war. The Saturn and Mars positions on the eclipse are opposed to where Saturn was on the September 7, 2008, FHA bailout. The Silicon Bank collapse may have been a canary. 

1. Chrissy Newton, "NASA and CERN Are Gearing Up for Tests During This Month's Solar Eclipse," April 5, 2024,

2. Ronald Reagan Presidental Library and Musuem, "Address to the Nation on the United States Air Strike Against Libya," April 14, 1986,

3. Betsy Maughey, "Migrant crime is turning cities into war zones," New York Post, February 13, 2024,