Jupiter-Uranus Tech Law FISA — Mundane Astrology

Inspiring Words

Charles Carter said, “if the restoration of public honor to Astrology be his goal, it would seem that this can be attained in no better way than by acquiring the power to foresee correctly the things of national moment”.
The repetition of past patterns indicates what lies ahead.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Jupiter-Uranus Tech Law FISA

 On April 20, 2024, there will be a new Jupiter-Uranus cycle at the critical degree of 21 Taurus 50. The joining of the luminaries on a Solar eclipse is a time to watch events, but the planetary conjunctions are even more so. 

While many astrologers note events five days either side of a Solar eclipse or aspects later to the eclipse degree, I also pay close attention for three weeks on the planetary conjunctions and later note events when the two planets of the new cycle are in stationary orb at the same time. (more on stationary orbs) (recent example)

Banking, big business, international commerce and courts are ruled by Jupiter with Uranus having rulership over radical shocks, disruptions, technology and change. For example, explosive (Uranus) increases (Jupiter) in layoffs and unemployment can create financial (Taurus) difficulties in big business and banking would be possible. (more on keywords)

There were two important events within the five days of the Solar eclipse that may be brought to the fore in this next three weeks; one was another ship 'lost power' on April 6th in New York harbor after the bridge collapse in Baltimore, and on the 13th, Iran attacked Israel as the Middle East tensions escalate. 

UPDATE: On May 15th A barge struck Galveston bridge to Pelican Island. 

The new Jupiter-Uranus cycle will square the Federal Venus at 21 Aquarius with Venus and Uranus in mutual reception that would raise the possibility of a financial crisis, particularly with Venus emphasized at 19 Aries (degree of the recent Solar eclipse) and joined with transiting Chiron at 20 Aries to aspect the Federal Neptune of loss at 22 Libra and Federal Jupiter of banking at 19 Cancer. (more on transits to nation charts)

But Venus in this position may be issues with 'friends and allies'. The administration may find it becomes exceedingly difficult to support both Israel and Gaza without offending both the Jewish people and Arabs. (more on emphasized planets)

The Sun at 01 Taurus and transiting Pluto of death are in square to form a T-square to the Federal Uranus, a signal of war. This means that Uranus, Saturn, Chiron and the Sun will also be emphasized as the transiting returning Saturn was conjunct the Federal Saturn and Sun and square the Federal Chiron of vulnerability. 

The transiting Mars of attacks is only minutes from perfect to conjunct the Federal Mercury the ruler of transportation systems as the new cycle squares the third house Federal Venus which leads me to wonder if we will have a New York (last place of harbor issue) transportation attack that may be the Saturn ruled subways with the Saturn return that have been patrolled by National Guard since March. Of course, the subways are only one possibility. There is also the possibility of what any event can be used for, such as how 9/11 led to the Patriot Act

The expansion of Jupiter laws with the technology of Uranus can be seen in the push to renew FISA. It was only reauthorized for two years instead of the six years last time in the House but the intel community got expansions for strengthening the police state surveillance of Americans without a warrant. Note the new Jupiter-Uranus cycle close square to Venus in the third house, the third house rules the calls, texts, and emails examined, Venus indicates the growing unpopularity of the program after exposures of abuses.1 

The Senate is unlikely to stop FISA but there will be the required soundbites to give the impression that someone is standing for the people while the others vote it through. The government requested an extension to the surveillance program which the secret court granted until April 2025 to ensure FISA continues anyway.2

The new Jupiter-Uranus cycle at 21 Taurus will conjunct the Paris Chiron of battle at 20 Taurus as transiting Venus and transiting Chiron are square the Paris Jupiter with both Jupiter and Chiron emphasized. When the colonists tried to resist the broad writs, general search warrants, in court in 1761, Chiron was conjunct the Jupiter-Uranus cycle. 

Pay particular attention to the period of time in the coming days of late April as stationary Mercury will be conjunct the Paris Mars while the transiting Mars opposes the Paris Mercury. A double whammy of Mercury and Mars, perhaps an attack to spark war. Also watch in late August when Mercury is stationary at 21 Leo in square with this new Jupiter-Uranus cycle at 21 Taurus.

Checking from 1760 forward, the Jupiter-Uranus cycle in the sign of Taurus occurred on May 23, 1858, at 29 Taurus 26 just three weeks before Lincoln gave his 'House Divided' speech prior to the Civil War. 

The next Jupiter-Uranus cycle in Taurus was on May 7, 1941, at 25 Taurus 38. Within three weeks of the cycle, a US cargo ship, the SS Robin Moor was sunk on May 21st which was followed by President Roosevelt issuing an 'unlimited national emergency' for military readiness on May 27th prior to the US entering WWII.3 

This new Jupiter-Uranus cycle is also in the third decan which is ruled by Capricorn as the Federal chart is having a Saturn return.4  

To learn more.


1.Caitlin Vogus, The US isn't just reauthorizing its surveillance laws - it's vastly expanding them," The Guardian, April 16, 2024, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/16/house-fisa-government-surveillance-senate.

2. Gabby Del Valle, "FISA's Section 702 is probably going to expire," The Verge, April 19, 2024,  https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/19/24135209/fisas-section-702-is-probably-going-to-expire.

3. "Proclamation 2487—Proclaiming That an Unlimited National Emergency Confronts This Country, Which Requires That Its Military, Naval, Air and Civilian Defenses Be Put on the Basis of Readiness to Repel Any and All Acts or Threats of Aggression Directed Toward Any Part of the Western Hemisphere," May 27, 1941, https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/proclamation-2487-proclaiming-that-unlimited-national-emergency-confronts-this-country.

4. Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson, "Simplified Horary Astrology," 30.