Uranus Ingress Instigates War — Mundane Astrology

Inspiring Words

Charles Carter said, “if the restoration of public honor to Astrology be his goal, it would seem that this can be attained in no better way than by acquiring the power to foresee correctly the things of national moment”.
The repetition of past patterns indicates what lies ahead.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Uranus Ingress Instigates War

 Saturn Restriction

The Paris Treaty officially ended the war with Britain in 1783. Twenty-three years later, Uranus was at 29 Libra 59, about to make its ingress into Scorpio when the British Orders in Council of 1807 were issued on January 6, 1807. The order was used to confiscate hundreds of American ships with thousands of American sailors pressed into service on British vessels in what the English considered their maritime right. 
 America declared war on June 18, 1812, twenty-nine years after the Paris Treaty, The War of 1812 has been referred to as the second American Revolution due to a resurgence of Britain’s desire to restrict American trade.78 (more on keywords)
Transiting Saturn at 05 Capricorn had returned to the Paris Saturn at 05 Capricorn. 

Transiting Mars at 08 Cancer 57 was near to conjunct and ignite the volatile Paris Uranus at 11 Cancer 02 as transiting Uranus at 20 Scorpio opposed Paris Chiron of battle at 20 Taurus in the seventh house of war. Transiting Jupiter at 13 Cancer was square the Paris Mars at 14 Aries to increase aggression.

Pluto of mass death was stationary retrograde at 19 Pisces conjunct the Paris North Node at 18 Pisces as Venus at 09 Leo opposed Pluto at 08 Aquarius. The opposition of the transiting North Node at 01 Virgo and transiting Chiron at 01 Pisces were square the Paris Moon at 29 Scorpio. Mars, Uranus, Pluto, Chiron, and the North Node were all emphasized. (emphasized planets(making yearly event page)
Transiting Mars at 08 Cancer and transiting Jupiter at 13 Cancer were square the Jupiter-Uranus cycle at 10 Libra. Transiting Mercury opposed the Saturn-Neptune at 06 Sagittarius and was square Jupiter-Saturn at 05 Virgo and the last Lunar eclipse at 07 Virgo.

The war would end with a treaty signed on December 24,1814, two days before a Lunar eclipse at 04 Cancer 38 opposed the Paris Saturn.79 The war had begun with the Saturn return.

The treaty had Saturn at 29 Capricorn in square to the Uranus at 29 Libra of the Orders of Council which had instigated the disruption. Transiting Jupiter of diplomacy was conjunct the Neptune of shipping at 08 Libra as the transiting North Node at 13 Cancer was square the Paris Mars at 14 Aries.
In 1817 there was a new Jupiter-Uranus cycle at 14 Sagittarius 20 in close square to the Jupiter-Pluto cycle at 14 Pisces 33.

Both Britain and the United States claimed the Oregon territory of the Pacific Northwest. To avoid further conflict, the Convention of 1818 was signed in London on October 20, 1818, to allow citizens of both countries access to the territory.80 

Transiting Venus was at 13 Sagittarius conjunct Jupiter-Uranus at 14 Sagittarius as the transiting Saturn at 12 Pisces was conjunct the Jupiter-Pluto at 14 Pisces.

There had been a Lunar eclipse six days earlier at 20 Aries. Transiting Jupiter at 06 Capricorn conjunct the Paris Saturn at 05 Capricorn brought a diplomatic resolution with the Sun at 26 Libra conjunct Venus at 24 Libra. An emphasized Mars at 05 Scorpio was conjunct the Ascendant at 06 Scorpio as Mercury at 13 Libra opposed the Paris Mars at 14 Aries brought awareness for potential conflict.

78. William L. Langer, An Encyclopedia of World History, (Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1952), 769.

79. William Sterne Randall, Unshackling America: How the War of 1812 Truly Ended the American Revolution, (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2017), 401; Treaty signed at Ghent, Belgium on December 24, 1814, before they parted company by half past six according to the diary of John Quincy Adams.

80. William L. Langer, An Encyclopedia of World History, 770.